Chapter 1

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        My story is a rough one. Let's go back 17 years ago. It starts with a shy college girl named Georgia Davidson, and a rocker college dropout named Harvey Tyler. One night at a party, Georgia decided to get drunk and she got knocked up. She didnt know it but now she was preggo with yours truly. Harvey found out when my mom was 5 months(I refuse to call him my father) and he abused my mom while she was pregnant while saying that he loved her. He kept slipping things in her drinks, things that could threaten a woman's pregnancy. Harvey was evil man, and when my mom when into premature labor, Harvey was pleased with himself and disappeared from the face of the Earth. I, Stephanie "Stevie" Hannah Davidson-Tyler was born.

        Flash forward 17 years, present day. My mother, my step dad Jack, my sister, and I live in a 2 room, 1 story house. I spend most of the days in my own form of transportation. No, not a car, but a wheelchair. When I was 5 years old, a drunk driver hit my mom's car with me in the back seat. I was nearly killed, but in a way, I was. The life I had before, was dead. I'm never going to be able to drive a car, or dance at prom without getting stared at, and I get sympathy looks whereever I go. My new life was crap, I didn't want to live, I don't want to live.

        I have a sister, Cara, who's 14 from one of my mom's ex-boyfriend, Ron Nickelson, who left my mom for a Brazilian model. My mom works the night shift as a nurse and Jack works as a construction worker. We have just enough money to get by. At 4:00 PM on Tuesday and Thursday, I go to physical therapy which hasn't worked for 12 years so why would it work now? Mom and Jack are still forcing me to go anyway. Even though it interferes with my completely clear social calender because I basically only have one friend, Liz.

        Liz Price. We've been best friends since we were 10. I met her in one of my therapy groups. Coping With Depression. I was depressed about no t being able to take my own showers, while she was depressed about a touchy stepdad hand having suicidal thoughts. In my book, that is equally terrible. 7 years later, Liz is the bubbliest person that I've ever met and dating this cool dude named Aaron. I go to a public school with them but as you can guess, I get injured a lot though by people hitting me in the face by swinging pbackpacks. I always get the bottom locker which means that the top locker person gets impatient from me gitting in their way. I'm used to it though, its the same routine everyday.

        "Stevie, let's go! Time for school!" My mom called me. I rolled down the hallway, careful not to run into or scrape the paint off of the wall. My sister rolled me down the ramp at the front of my house, and Jack lifted out of my wheelchair and into the van. Sometimes I think I'm a burden to my family, no, I know I'm a burden, I just like to think that they do this because they love me unconditionally.

        We pulled up to school and it was the same routine as before, just backwards. Everyday when I get out of the car, I'm greeted  by the sight of Liz and her boyfriend sucking face, how lovely. Liz rolls me down the hallway whiled blabbing on about something that I just blank out. Today as I was wheeled down the hallway, I saw someone, a guy. Probably the most perfect guy I've ever seen. He had this perfectly placed blonde hair and green eyes and this goofy little smile that drew my eyes to him. It wasn't long before I realized I was staring like a complete idiot and he mostly realized it because he had to move out of the way for me. "Hey L, who was that? The blonde guy."

"Who? Keith?" she replied. "Isn't he hot? He's in my pre-calculus class. everyone stares at him, I mean, who wouldn't? He's absolutely gorgeous." I turned around to look at him only to realize he was following us and looking at me. I got red from embarassment. When Liz dropped me off at my class, I had a little trouble getting through the doorway until I heard a deep voice say "Here, let me get it." it was him. Keith was helping me, I don't even know him and I'm having feelings for him. I rolled to my table in the front and Keith was standing at the front of the classroom. Mrs.Benson told the classroom to be quiet. "Alright class, we have a new student. This is Keith Hanson. Keith, why don't you go sit by Stephanie at the front table." he sat down and I got a whiff of his cologne, it was musky but citrusy at the same time, I loved it.

        "Actually you can call me Stevie. It's nice to meet you." I said. He smiled that goofy smile I saw in the hallway."

        "Hey. It's nice to meet you."

        All throughout the class, I kept catching Keith watching me and smirking. It was one of those cute moments where I looked at him and he quickly looked away to avoid me seeing him look at me. Occasionally he asked me a question about the work but whenever I explained something, he just looked at me, I felt it. It was like he didn't even pay attention to what I was saying.

        After class he offered to help me get to my next class, and he ran through the hallway to get to me and wheel me to my next class. Why was he being so nice? Was he flirting? Does he like me? 7th period, i opened my Math binder and a sheet of peper fell out of it. I looked at the paper to see a number written in green ink with the name "Keith" next to it. I was so excited! A guy may actually like me! This is the first guy who's actually ever looked at me without giving me a weird look. I may actually be living as a real teenager for once.

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