Project Power: Execution Phase

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A silver 2007 Chevy Monte Carlo travels at 80 mph northbound on Interstate 55. A woman seems to be holding back tears as she slaps her turn signal upwards. She takes an exit and pulls into a gas station parking lot. The woman is Evelyn Adams, a 26 year old nurse and mother to two 18 month old twin boys, Nathan and Nigel. Evelyn swipes her debit card and removes her gas cap and then has a flash back to an argument she'd had with the the father of her two boys: " Where did you get all this money from?" she says frantically. We can barely make out the reply her children's father gives, but we can tell from her face that it makes her feel uneasy. "We can not live like this any more!" she says as her eyes fill with tears. She continues to plea with the man as he grabs a large black case and heads for the door. Evelyn had been dating a man she grew up with in the Ninth Ward section of New Orleans. They began their relationship in middle school. The two had a wonderful relationship until the man quit school and began to sell drugs to support himself. Evelyn constantly begged the man to stop but stayed by his side through all of the late nights, time in jail, and unexplained absences. One time the man came home to their apartment smelling of heavy smoke and burned flesh. Evelyn patched up his burned skin the best she could as he explained that he had given in and used one of the pills that he had been selling that caused him to inexplicably burst into flames. Evelyn had seen patients in the hospital she worked in with injuries that couldn't be explained. She had witnessed the news reports about strange sightings and reports of people flying, shape shifting, and displaying non human like strength. She had recently found out that her boyfriend was selling a pill that was behind the phenomenon.

Evelyn snaps out of the flash back and continues to pump the gas. She lifts the driver's seat forward and checks on her baby boys to find them sound asleep. She smiles and gets behind the wheel. When she cranks the car up the radio cuts on loudly and startles the babies, who begin to kick and cry. The temperature in the vehicle seems to raise dramatically. Evelyn gives Nigel his pacifier and soothes him. Her heart seems to stop mid beat as she peeks into Nathan's car seat to discover he is not there. She freaks out and screams then stops immediately after viewing her baby boy fade back into view before her eyes. She has another flashback to when she discovered the building that her boyfriend sold drugs out of had blown up and he was dead. She fled as he had previously instructed her to do in case of an emergency. She pulls out of the gas station northbound on I-55. She is headed to Chicago and doesn't know that a black van is following her. Inside the van is a picture of Evelyn, Nathan, Nigel, and Newt, her sons' father. A man with a Telios badge sends a message on a walkie talkie that they are rolling again.

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