I. The Bet

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Year Five

"Alright, everybody on the train! Do we all have everything? Fred, where is your owl?" Mrs. Weasley yelled frantically.

"Mum, we've done this before, we're fine!" Ron reassured his mother.

"I am your mother, this is my job! Alright, have a good year everyone, I love you kids!" Everyone mumbled 'I love you' back while we all shuffled onto the train, lugging our stuff behind us. I let out a heavy sigh as I plopped into an empty compartment with Ron and Ginny, Harry and Hermione following behind. I glanced over at the twins, who were passing by to find their seats, and they gave me meaningful smiles.

"Cheer up, Blue! It's gonna be a great year!" cheered Fred.

"Yeah, we'll make sure of it!" said George.

"Thanks, guys." I lightly smiled at their use of my childhood nickname that they gave me in year one as they bumbled down the aisle to find seats.

"What's wrong?" asked a puzzled Hermione.

Before I could answer her, Ron interjected for me. "Fifth year in a row her parents refused to see her off at the train."

"I just miss them. I wish they didn't hate magic. They won't even let me come home for the summers or holidays now unless I agree to stop attending Hogwarts. I mean, they attended! Why can't I?" I complained.

Ron placed his arm gently around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "Well, that's why you have us, darling."

"Ah, well if it isn't Flynn and her pet Weasley!" a familiar, irritating voice boasted.

"Leave us alone, Malfoy, we don't want to deal with your crap this year," barked Ron.

Draco blatantly ignored Ron's remark. "C'mon, Flynn, come be with a real man like me instead of Weasley."

"I'm not even dating Ron. I'm not dating anybody. But, if I was, it sure as hell wouldn't be with you," I hissed, removing Ron's arm from my shoulder.

"You'll come around," Malfoy scoffed before sauntering off.


The train finally arrived and we all headed for the Great Hall for the feast and the sorting hat ceremony for the first years. I was reluctantly separated from my friends, who were all Gryffindors, and I took my seat next to my only friend in Ravenclaw, Luna.

I glanced at Ron from across the room, who was shoveling chicken into his mouth. I've watched Ron eat plenty of times throughout all the years I've known him and I always thought he was the most repulsive eater, but for some reason, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, this time he just looked kind of adorable. Before I could look away, Ron noticed my staring and smiled at me, cheeks round and full with food. I giggled slightly at the goofy grin on his face, then averted my gaze.

My eyes then panned over to the twins, who were already staring right at me while whispering to each other. They noticed the puzzled look on my face and quickly looked away.

'That was strange...' I thought, but I brushed it off.

"Aren't you going to eat something?" Luna asked me, a concerned look in her eyes.

"Yes, yes, of course. I was just a bit distracted, that's all." I reassured her. I piled an assortment of food onto my plate and enjoyed the rest of the meal without worrying about any of the Weasleys.

Of course, that didn't last very long when I got word from Dean Thomas that Fred and George were arguing about me at dinner.

'So, that's why they were looking at me.' I thought.

"What do you mean, about me? What were they saying?"

Dean shrugged. "I just heard your name and something about a bet. I figured you would wanna know because it sounded important. 20 galleons on the line, from what I heard."

"I'm going to murder those boys," I growled, rolling my eyes. "Thanks, Dean." I sauntered off to find the gamblers.

"Fred! George! Has anyone seen Fred and George?"

"Quidditch practice!" said a passing Gryffindor, who I kindly thanked and headed for the Quidditch field.


"Blue! What brings you here?" cheered Fred upon seeing me.

"Oh, boy, she looks angry, Fred," whispered George. It was just the two of them on the field, I assumed practicing just by themselves, which gave me a perfect opportunity to give them hell.

"Oh, I am angry, George! What's this about a bet I hear about me?" I crossed my arms.

"Who told you that?" sputtered Fred.

"It's not important! What's important is why you're betting 20 galleons on me? Start talking, boys!"

"Alright, alright," Fred cleared his throat while George looked away, avoiding eye contact with me. "We bet that this was the year we would get you to date one of us and whoever succeeds first gets 20 galleons."

I sputtered in disbelief. "Are you two crazy? I would never, I-, you-, it's not gonna happen!"

"Come on, Blue, don't lie to us, you've always wondered what it's like to be with one of us." George cheekily winked.

"Gross! I've known you two since we were kids!"

"And we're not kids anymore!" smiled Fred.

"Yeah! We are now mature, sensual adults!" argued George.

I shot a disgusted look at George. "Please don't ever say the word 'sensual' ever again."

They both just stood there, silent, cheekily staring at me. "You can have your little bet, but I want in. If I don't end up attending the ball with one of you, you two both owe me 20 galleons. Each. And I swear, if I get poisoned with a love potion of some sort, I will never speak to you two again."

Guilty looks appeared on both of their faces. I held out my hand and reluctantly, both boys reached into their pocket, pulled out small glass bottles with pink liquid in them, and placed them in my hand.

"You two are unbelievable," I snarled, walking back towards the castle, leaving both boys alone once again on the Quidditch field.

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