Long-awaited happiness

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In the first days after the vacation, it was difficult to get into the work schedule. Ava struggled out of bed, fighting the nausea of waking up so early, which she was certainly not used to. More than a month, she was waking up at noon, enjoying the comfort of her beloved husband's arms.

As she washed her face and tried to open her sleepy eyes with cold water, Ava remembered how well the days had passed on several trips out of town. And they even went to Los Angeles, selecting him in a random way - pointing a finger at the map. A crazy act that only brought good impressions when Connor took her to the beach in cloudless weather to admire the starry sky.

"Hey, Avey, breakfast getting cold" Connor reminded her as he opened the bathroom door and didn't wait for her in the kitchen. 

 "Are we late yet?" Ava asked with an awkward shrug, patting her cheeks to fight off the drowsiness. She didn't look very well, and her pale face showed it.

"No, but you're not sick?" Connor asked anxiously, briefly touching her cold forehead with his palm.

"I'm fine, Connor" she said, pulling on jeans and a sweater as she walked, mentally preparing to hit the streets of Chicago on the last day of October. Their vacation, scheduled for August, was postponed for a month and a half, and only at the end of September they managed to get out of the hospital. And now it was getting cold, which Ava didn't like so much.

She kissed the corner of Connor's mouth and picked up the avocado toast from the table, biting into it with relish, but frowning instantly.

"You forgot how to make toast" Ava rolled her eyes, adding more spice to the avocado.

"I don't think so" Connor said doubtfully, but he didn't bring up the argument out of thin air, deciding that he really hadn't prepared them in a long time.

When Ava arrived at work, she was immediately in the arms of Natalie and April, listening to how much they missed her, and promising that she would share the news with them during the break. When she didn't find Connor in the locker room, Ava quickly changed into her usual outfit, leaning over to pick up her shoes. A sudden dizziness nearly knocked her off her feet. When her back collided with the metal Cabinet, she blinked rapidly, coming to her senses. Still, four hours of sleep, she thought, might have made itself felt in such an unpleasant context.

After drinking a glass of water just in case, Ava ran off to the first patient, completely immersed in her work, finally feeling how much she missed it.

A few hours later, the victim appeared in critical condition. After redirecting it to Connor, Ava joined him, giving him a brief summary of the initial inspection. The first day in the emergency room was crazy.

"Will you be my assistant?" Connor winked, knowing without question that Ava wouldn't refuse.

"I'm being kind today, so I'll take a minor role, but, Dr. Rhodes, just this once" Ava chuckled as she prepared for the operation, giving Connor a gentle shoulder shove.

"Your consent, Dr. Rhodes, is very difficult to get without a fight. I'm surprised" Connor laughed, putting his hands under the water, needing to be around Ava all the time.

The operation was not so difficult, so it was coming to an end after two hours of painstaking work by the Rhodes'. As she finished cleaning the wound, Ava paused for a few seconds, still Holding her arms outstretched over the patient. Feeling sick, she swallowed, trying to distract herself, but the dizziness finally knocked the air out of her lungs. 

"Ava?" Connor called out warily, noticing that she was standing motionless, looking away in confusion, as if she had seen something.

Slowly shifting her gaze to Connor, following his voice as her vision blurred, Ava shook her head.

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