1: Meeting Voldemort

Start from the beginning

Once I had finished the bread I decided to take a shower, I had to be downstairs in the dining room somewhere at 7, and no later. I was not about to let Bellatrix play with me, she loved to play with her toys before she destroyed them. I hopped into the shower as I felt the hot water run down my back, I felt the scar sting; it had been hurting a lot more recently. Mostly in breaks it would hurt badly, like at night, it seems like it constantly hurt, but in the day it wouldn't hurt as badly. I finished my shower as I dried myself off and then my hair. I looked at my naked body in the large mirror in the bathroom. I was so surprised to see the girl staring back at me; she looked nothing like the girl did a month ago. I could almost see some of my ribcage, I had bags under my eyes, my cheeks looked hollowed, and I looked like something from the undead, my hair and skin had even looked like they had lost some color. And my cheeks, they no longer had blood rushing up to them, I never seemed to blush. I placed the towel back around me as I walked out of the bathroom and went into the bedroom to get dress. I looked at the dress on the bed as I sighed but reluctantly started to place it on once I had put on some panties and a black strapless bar that was also in the bag.

I must say the dress was pretty, but it was tighter fitting and short then I wanted it to be. The shoulders were hanging off my shoulders and my entire neck was exposed. The dress went up to about a couple inches above the knee. Once the dress was on I started to place on the very high red heels with a black flower on the front. The shoes were at least about 3 inches, I then grabbed the jewelry that was in the bag, I placed the black flowers on my ears quickly as I looked into the mirror. I then unhooked my necklace as I looked down at it, I would have to hide this thing in case they look in my room tonight. I went out and pressed down on one of the floorboards as I heard a small creak and immediately knelt down. I yanked the floorboard up as I saw nothing but a few pieces of parchment, that were kept mostly as my diary, I then placed the necklace inside the floorboard and then closed in immediately, hopefully I didn't make that much noise.

Once I finished placing the white flower around my neck I looked in the mirror to see a somewhat attractive girl in front of it. I looked to see there was a package of make up in the bag; I guess they didn't want me to look ugly. I quickly placed on the black eyeliner and mascara, but I was not about to put on the eye shadow and what not. They would just have to accept it. I grabbed my crazy curly hair and had somehow managed to form a messy bun on top of my head. I heard a knock at my door, and then in came someone I was not expecting to see.

Draco Malfoy. I had only seen him one other time before now; it was when it was my first night here. He was the one that showed me to my room, and then he left. He had told me his name and said that he thought I was pretty even when I was crying; he was actually a nice guy... It's just he let my father and fear control him... I smiled slightly as I saw Draco there. A somewhat friendly face.

"Hi Draco." I said quietly as he gave me a very small smile, but it soon composed back to the stern look he had on.

"Hello Miss Riddle," he said as it brought a flash back of Fred, he was the one that mostly called me Miss Riddle. I guess my face must have faltered when he said that cause he immediately tried to save himself. "Of course if you do not like that name I can call you something else!" he immediately replied, probably afraid if he made one false move I would turn him into Voldemort.

"Uh... just Marley is fine." I replied slightly as he nodded.

"Well the Dark Lord has sent me to escort you to the dinning room." Draco replied as I nodded and walked slowly to him, it had been awhile since I wore heels, and even then I was horrible in them. He held open the door for me as I walked past him and out the room. This would be the first time in a month I stepped actual foot from the room, not trying to escape, but maybe later I could try. Draco took the lead since I really did not know where anything was, as he walked in front of me I noticed that the whole manor was dark and dreary, it was just depressing. It was like I was living with vampires, you know I bet they would be better roommates then these people, I wonder if there are any vampire romance novels. Nah, I mean who would buy those?

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