Videl: (speaking in thought) For some reason, I can't look away, what are they planning?

Bon Para: Bon Para Para! Bon Para Para! Bon Para Para!

Bon Para, Don Para and Son Para: Bon Papa!

Don Para: Come on, get funky! One time, here we go, let's go!

Bon Para: Shake, shake, shake! Yeah Hmm mmm.

Don Para: Your chuckleheads can't help but move!

(Videl's left arm starts to move by itself, getting her attention)

Videl: Huh?

Bon Para: Your turn!

(Videl starts to dance)

Videl: What's happening to me? They're forcing me to dance! I can't stop!

Son Para: Right right! Left left! Right right! Left left!

Bon Para: Right, left, right, left! Smile!

Don Para: Out beats are smooth, our rhymes are tight! Follow our lead, don't try to fight!

Videl: Right right! Now I'm saying it! This is so embarrassing!

Bon Para: Bon Para Para! Bon Para Para! Bon Para Para!

Bon Para, Don Para and Son Para: Bon Papa!

Bon Para: Word! Can I get a huh?

Son Para: Work it!

Bon Para: Ah!

Videl: Right side! Right side! Left side! Left side! Ah, this isn't the time for me to dance!

Bon Para: Aw, I'm so proud! Look at how quickly you've caught on! The time to act is upon us!

(Bon Para approaches Videl)

Bon Para: What what?! This girl's gotta get her grill on!

Videl: Uh? Uh?

(Bon Para gets closer)

Bon Para: S to the M to the I to the L to the E yah!

(Bon Para grabs and pinches Videl's cheeks, forcing her to smile)

Bon Para: Alright, just like that! You're doing much better! Haven't you heard, you got to grin it to win it! Why ain't you show some respect for this groove! Get down!

(Bon Para grabs Videl and throws her to the wall)

(Videl grunts as she gets back up)

Videl: You're going to pay for that!

(Videl starts to dance again)

Videl: It's starting again! Spin it right! Spin it left! Don't forget to smile!

Bon Para: So, what do you think of our unique dancing style? It's a little something called the Para Para Boogie!

Videl: Well I don't think this is dancing, but it's causing a lot of damage!

Bon Para: Hehe! Word!

Videl: It's just like Gohan's Great Saiyaman poses.

Bon Para: Yo Son Para! Don Para! Let's finish her off!

Son Para: Give in the juice bro!

Bon Para: (clapping) Okay, let's pump up the jam faster!

Bon Para, Don Para and Son Para: Bon Bon! Para Para! Bon Bon! Para Para!

(The Para Para Brothers dance faster and faster as well as Videl)

(Videl groans)

Bon Para: Faster! Faster! Faster! Spin!

(Videl keeps dancing the Para Para Boogie faster and faster)

Videl: Slave to the Boogie! Slave to the Boogie!

Bon Para: (clapping) Spin like a wax record!

Bon Para: Bon, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon, bon!

Son Para: Para!

Videl: I feel so silly.

Don Para: Don't hurt yourself! Don't hurt yourself! Don't hurt yourself! Don't hurt!

Bon Para: Grin, grin and grin and grin and grin and smile and smile! Woo-hoo-hoo!

Don Para: On fire! Come on!

(While the Para Para Brothers continue to force Videl to dance, the Mouma worms burst out from the ground and crawled towards Videl and the Para Para Brothers)

(Videl is still dancing when she notice the worms behind her, but she was unable to stop them)

Videl: (speaking in thoughts) Looks like the worms are back! I guess the Para Para Boogie got to them too.

(The Mouma slither pass Videl)

Videl: Huh?

(They slither straight to the Para Para Brothers, scaring Don Para and Son Para)

Bon Para: Spin it right! Spin it left! Don't forget to smile!

(Bon Para gasp when one of the Mouma worms looks at him)

Bon Para: Smile?

(Bon Para screams as the music and dancing stops, freeing Videl when she was making a big smile)

Videl: Hey, I can control my body again.

(Videl glares at the Para Para Brothers)

Videl: (smirks while cracking her knuckles) You're going to pay.

(Videl flew over the worms and punches or kicks the Para Para Brothers to the wall, rendering them unconscious as they groan)

Videl: You boys should be ashamed of yourselves, forcing a beautiful woman like me to dance like that!

(The End)

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