「Nonono! Please explain the situation first!?」

「That's right, Okaasan . Let's explain! Moreover, he has not given his acknowledgment yet, you know!?」

Let alone me, even Mikina-san was startled by Keimi-san's remark .

「Oh you~ I was just joking, just joking . Please don't look at me with such condemning gazes, you two」

Keimi-san laughed「Hohoho~」 .

She's saying that she was just joking, but I am pretty sure that Keimi-san was serious .

「Gee~ Okaasan~」

Mikina-san dejectedly hung her head at her mother's playfulness .

When we moved to a private room, Keimi-san promptly explained the situation .

「You see, a herd of Armored Buffalo has apparently appeared at the beginner adventurer level grassland」

「Armored Buffalo, is it?」

The monsters known as Armored Buffalo have bodies hard as steel, their tough skin is their characteristic trait, and they have imposing horns on their heads .

They are monsters of a B-rank, so it's only natural that they would cause many troubles for the beginners .

But, there should be plenty of capable people in the capital . I believe that the guild should be able to find people that are able to deal with the Armored Buffalo in no time......――

「Speaking honestly, I am wondering why did you decide to call upon me」

「Well, of course you do . Normally, we would be already moving to deal with them . There are many people that are able to deal with the Armored Buffalo . However, unfortunately, the people available at present are only those who mainly use weapons to fight」


I see, so that's what it is about .

Armored Buffalo are really tough, so people using weapons such as swords would be at a disadvantage while fighting them .

Even if they defeat them, their swords would be chipped or broken...... they would probably love to avoid that at all costs . Therefore, even if there are people capable of defeating them around, most of them are hesitating to undertake the request .

Fortunately(?), the appearance of the Armored Buffalo is not a pressing matter, so there don't seem to be people willing to accept the request .

「However, the guild cannot possibly leave the grasslands which are used by the beginners in its current state~」

That being the case, they turned to me who fights with magic .

「The meat of Armored Buffalo is delicious, you know! Hence, Takumi-san . Would you please go out for just~ a little and defeat them for us?」

A delicious beef, huh~...... this is quite a tempting request .


「Indeed . It's very yummy!」

「「Wanna eat~!」」

Hearing about the delicious meat, the children were extremely on board .

They were looking at me with sparkly eyes .

「...... We have just returned though, aren't you tired?」

「「Is fine~!」」

「I see . ――That being the case, Keimi-san, we will accept your request」

Isekai Yururi Kikou (Raising Children While Being an Adventurer)Where stories live. Discover now