Chapter 1

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      Reya and Rhianna met on the first day of high school. They were freshmen at West River Institute of Education. A private school for people with powers, most of the other students at the school had supernatural powers, walking through walls, a voice that echoes for miles by just saying simple commands to their younger siblings or friends, but there was a handful who had stereotypical powers, laser vision, super strength, flight, super speed, telekinesis; you name it. Some of the students were supernatural beings, vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, you name it they go to the school.

      Reya, she was a vampire, had some other powers too, but those don't come in until later. Rhianna, well, she's a tough egg to crack, no one really knows what her powers are, or if she's a supernatural being or not. She's too good at controlling her powers, but some would say she was an angel — which would explain why Reya was so attracted to her. You see, angels have a particular scent to their blood that only vampires with an enhanced sense of smell can trace, it's a very particular smell. Have you ever smelled cinnamon or vanilla? Two very strong, specific smells, one sweet, the other spicy.

      Well, demons have more of a spicy aroma to their blood, while angels have a sweeter smell to their blood. The purity of an angel gives the blood a more divine smell. For vampires at least, most vampires can only smell blood when the person or supernatural being is bleeding. But there's a breed of vampire, almost extinct in fact, that can smell blood without any of it being drawn, an Entensuralious Aromanautic, which is fancy talk for the enhancer of aromas. There's a certain gland in their nasal passages that enhances any and every smell, it's so strong that it can smell blood through the skin.

      You may be wondering why I'm telling you these things, well it's kind of important to the story. You may be thinking; Well why exactly are their species important? Well, it all goes back to one point; any creature can love another creature, no matter the gender, sexuality, or otherwise. Not all love is the same kind of love, but all love is love, and that's not something that's chosen. Yes, you can choose who you date, and they can choose whether or not they want to date you, but you can't choose who you love.

      You can learn how to love, you can choose not to let yourself love, but love is a natural instinct. You can't control who you love, you can't control who they love, you can't control how much you love someone or how much they love you. But there's one thing we can all do to make a difference in this world, shut the fuck up and try to keep your mouth shut if you disagree with the way someone loves someone else, they can't control sexuality, they can't control who they love or how they love. Sexuality is a spectrum, gay people exist, lesbians exist, trans people exist (though trans is a series of genders not sexuality), pan people exist, bi people exist, asexual people exist, aromantic people exist, you can't erase them because you don't think it's natural.

      You can't change someone else's identity because you don't agree with them, everyone's sexuality and gender identity are valid. You can't complain because straight people don't have a pride parade, because we live in a heteronormative society, everyone is presumed to be straight, and whoever isn't is seen as a threat for whatever reason, and that's fucking stupid. If you're annoyed with what I'm saying, why are you still here? I told you not to read this book if it would trigger you. That's what a trigger warning is.

      If you signed up to read a fictional romance book with real-world issues then stay, if you didn't please leave before the story continues. If you're wondering why this story is in the third person is for this very reason, the fourth wall breaks, the knowledge that this is a book. It's not first person because I wouldn't be able to get the message of the story out clearly enough. The cast of this story is all-inclusive, straight, gay, lesbian, trans, pan, survivors of sexual assault, characters who deal with suicidal ideation, people who are addicted to drugs, alcohol, or both, victims and survivors of brutal beatings at school and at home. This story includes all communities. On with the story. 

       Reya was walking down the corridor with Remy, Carmen, and Grey. They were talking about normal teenage things whilst discussing their schedules. They all had the same classes and lunch period. "Do you smell that sis?" Reya asked Carmen, the scent of divine blood no more than a few feet ahead of them. "Divine blood," Carmen said, "looks like we got a transfer." Carmen points at Rhianna, "Looks like she's your type too, Rey Rey." Reya turns bright red, "Shut the fuck up Carmen, we don't even know if she's a lesbian," Reya says, backhanding her twin on the shoulder.

     "Ask her then," Carmen says, shoving her forward a little bit. "No, I'm not going to ask her that, I haven't even met her yet," Reya rolls her eyes and backhands her again. "Stop picking on her Carmen," Grey said, "I'm still sticking to my promise of kicking you out of the group if you pick on her too much." Reya cracked a smile and hugged Grey, "Thanks GG," Reya says with relief. "Rey Rey, what have I told you about calling me GG?" Grey asked, hugging her back. "Not to do it in public," Reya says with a chuckle. Remy laughed, "I swear you two are too much like brother and sister, if you weren't two different breeds of vampire I'd have to insist you are."

     Carmen looked at Remy, "Well, Grey isn't exactly a different breed of vampire, he just chooses not to acknowledge blood scents as we do, because he doesn't exactly drink 'human' blood, he drinks animal blood, mainly cow, chicken, turkey, pig, sheep, and duck. However, we're some of the last few of our kind." Remy rolled his eyes and flicked her playfully, "I know that your kind is critically endangered, I paid attention to that conversation at orientation." 


Hey y'all, hope you enjoyed the start of this story, vote and comment so I know if you want more. See y'all next time. 

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