Get Ready

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Wei ying walked in circles in his room trying to figure out which shirt to wear "wen ning help me" he said as he plopped down on his bed.Wen rolled his eyes as he walked to wei ying's room ."Just wear a your rainbow crop top with shorts and black combat boots".  "Thanks wen ning" wei ying yelled as he put on his crop top  and he ran down the hallway . As he turned to walk down the stairs he could see xue yang had already made breakfast. "Yang gege thanks for breakfast" he says as he walks over and kisses him deeply. As meng yao walks out and of his room says "I want a kiss to" and wei ying's kisses him on his lips on his way to the door. "Guys let's go" wen ning says as he finishes up his makeup . "Yao ge our pride flag is gone again" momo says as he sit's outside on the swing.

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