i saw her eyes squint at the screen for a moment before she responded, smirking at me, "it is, bet it look even better on you in person."

i'm smiling way too much to have been on the phone for barely five minutes.

"thank you bubba. lemme see yours, please?" i asked.

"uhh i'm not by a mirror right now, but you gon' see me-" i heard sam's dad yell faintly in the background, making her stop mid-sentence.

"yeah dad?!" i'm assuming he called her name.

another faint yell was heard and sam turned to me apologetically.

"my dad askin' me to come here, but i'm comin' back so don't hang up."

"ok." she sat the phone down somewhere and i was met with a white ceiling.

instead of staring at that white ceiling, i propped my phone on my dresser and went to find one of my shoulder purses to wear. i didn't like how they looked with my outfit though, so i found a cream colored tote that matched better.

i began packing a few things in there, like, my wallet, lipglosss, mini vaseline (i can't go anywhere without it), keys, and a small box of bad aids. i usually carry them because i like to put them on my cheek, but they're also useful for obvious reasons.

i heard faint noise from my phone and i glanced over to see if sam had came back, but she hadn't. i shrugged and went back to putting things in my tote, but the noise only got louder.

i furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed it, bringing the speaker up to my ear. i realized that the noise was arguing so i tried to refrain from listening, but it seemed like it was getting closer to the phone.

i was about to say something but then i heard sam's dad yell.

"cuz i fuckin said so sam! i'm the man in this house, and just because you dress like one don't change nothin!"

i clasped my hand over my mouth at the harsh remark. i know this was none of my business but it was too loud too ignore. it sounded like they were in her room.

"i never said i was no man, you the one always takin' my sexuality as a threat to your masculinity. and i'm goin' to the fair today, i'm not tryna hear nothin you sayin." i heard sam speak in her regular tone, she wasn't even yelling back; obviously not in the mood to have this conversation.

"sam, what i just told you?! i will not allow you to take another girl on a date. you know i don't tolerate that in my household!"

by that i was assuming he meant her sexuality. i knew there was something i didn't like about him, but i didn't know what.

now i do.

"that's why we're not gonna be in you're house. we're gonna be at a fair, about fifteen minutes away from here."

"sam you not goin' no damn where!"

"yes i am! you do not control me, nor do you get to dictate what i will and will not do! i understand that you are my father but i am doing nothing wrong here. i just wanna go to the fair with a friend..." a long silence was was heard over the phone and i listened in concern; mainly because her dad didn't seem to like not having the last word.

"alright. go out if you want, but if you leave this house you gon' be in for a rude awakening when you get back."

i heard a door slam and i assumed her father left the room, and that i could now get sam's attention.

"sam... " i whispered first, just to be safe. once i got no answer i spoke up a bit.

"sam." i still got no answer.


this time i heard shuffling and after a few seconds, she appeared back in the camera. her face was tense and her jaw was tight. i knew she was very upset, being that i could see those little details through a camera.

"fuck, i forgot you were on the phone. i'm sorry you had to hear that." she didn't sound as upset as she looked, so that's a good sign.

or maybe it's because she was talking to me.

i shook my head in the camera, not wanting her to apologize.

"no, it's not your fault. i probably should've hung up anyway..." i trailed off to see if she would say anything else, but she didn't.

maybe i should just tell her to not worry about the fair. she was already defying her dad by taking me there and i didn't wanna get her in trouble.

"listen, you don't have to take me to the fair. i know we planned it but i don't wanna get you in trouble. w-we can do it another day, or maybe we can go somewhere else. it's not that big of a deal, even though we got dressed and stuff-" i was gonna continue rambling but sam cut me off, smiling softly.

"i really appreciate you for caring so much, but i'm still taking you to the fair." i heard keys in the back and sighed.

"but your dad-"

"lani, i don't care if i'm in trouble. i wanna spend time with you so that's what i'm gonna do. be ready in ten, and i'll let you know when i'm outside." her tone was that of a calm, strict parent and i knew it wasn't up for debate.

"ok, be careful bubba." my voice came out softer than usual.

"i will."

and with that she hung up, leaving me to anticipate her arrival.


a longer chapter to brighten up your monday✨🧚🏼, don't forget to vote and comment.

i love you.

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