Chapter One

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First Year-


Autumn's POV

I looked across the train station to see The Hogwarts Express getting ready to leave. I looked back at my parents and Jasmine, my younger sister, as they hugged my older brother Nico goodbye, then turned to me for my hug. It was going to be my first year at Hogwarts, and I was both excited to go, and nervous to be away from my parents for so long. 

They hugged me goodbye, and my mother kissed me on the cheek and said, "Autumn, no matter what house you get into, we are so incredibly proud of you." I hugged my sister goodbye, waved to my parents one last time, and ran to catch up with Nico. 

Nico was a third-year Hufflepuff with pride and was on the Hufflepuff quidditch team. He helped me load my trunk into an empty compartment and then went to go sit with his friends in their usual compartment. I looked around the empty compartment and then sat beside the window. 

The compartment door opened and I looked up to see two identical red-headed twins looking back at me. 

"Hi, there!" the first one started, "I'm Fred," "And I'm George", piped up the other one. "I'm Autumn Lee, nice to meet you," I said while extending my hand. 

George (I think it was) took my hand and shook it. "May we sit?", he said while slowly taking a step into the otherwise empty compartment. "Oh of course, please come sit." Fred and George brought their luggage in and sat down. We began to make small talk. "So are you a first-year?" Fred said eagerly. I giggled, "Is it that obvious?" Fred laughed and gestured around the compartment, "Well, we've never seen you before, you have an entire compartment to yourself, and we saw your brother bring you on. Nico right?" 

I smiled at the mention of my brother. "Yes, I'm a first year. Are you third-years like my brother?" They exchanged quick grins to one another and then took turns finishing each other's sentences. "Yeah, we're both in-" "-Gryffindor! We play quidditch with-"   "-your brother."

 I remembered what my brother has said last Christmas, about 'how his team would have won if it weren't for those bloody Weasley twins'. He didn't shut up about them the entire time he was home. 

I laughed and said, "Ohh, so you're the two that Nico wouldn't shut up about all Christmas. How you were the reason his team lost." The laughed and high fived. "That's us alright," George exclaimed, "and we'll do it again this year." 

It had been several hours and I realized I had fallen asleep after talking with the twins. I yawned and stretched and peered over to see that Fred and George asleep with their feet in each other's faces. I gave a slight chuckle at the sight and opened the compartment doors so I could use the restroom. I was walking down the train's hallway so I could use the restroom and get changed into my robes when I bumped into a mysterious scowling boy my age, with his nearly white-blonde hair slicked back to the point where it looked greasy. I quickly scrambled to get up,"Oh I'm terribly sorry-" He smirked back at me and replied,

 "Don't worry about it, just be more careful next time." 

I met his smirk with a warm smile as he stepped off to the left and let me pass towards the restrooms. I quickly changed into my robes and made my way back to my seat and found the twins wide awake, Fred with the slightest bit of drool on his cheek. "We're almost there Autumn!" he burst out excitedly. I laughed and pointed to his cheek, "You have a bit of drool there Fred," He felt around and wiped it off, just as the train pulled into the station. They helped me carry my luggage over to the carriages, pulled magically by...themselves? Magic is such a brilliant thing.

 Fred, George, and I all hopped into one, and just as I was about to close the door, a voice called out

 "Wait for me!"

 and a sandy-haired girl hopped in just as the carriage was leaving. I smiled at her and held out my hand. "Autumn Lee, a pleasure to meet you." She smiled back and shook my hand, "Camilla Garcia, and I assume those are the famous Weasley twins I've heard all about from my older sister," she said while gesturing to Fred and George.

 Fred grinned and answered with, "hiya Camilla, I'm George, and this is Fred." I looked at them, puzzled, and said, "Oh? I thought it was the other way around. Aren't you Fred, and him George?" They grinned at each other and then at me. 

"Wow Autumn," they said in sync, "even our own mother can't tell us apart sometimes. How'd you do it?" "I giggled and said, "It's easy, George has a freckle on his neck and Fred has a scar on his eyebrow." They grinned and each shook one of Camilla's hands. 

"A pleasure to meet you, Camilla", once again in unison. 

Draco's POV  

My mother and father escorted me to the Hogwarts express. I couldn't wait for my first year at Hogwarts. I had slicked my hair back with a tad extra gel just for the occasion. My mother looked at me with tears in her eyes. I knew we would miss each other terribly. 

My father pulled me aside so nobody else on the platform could hear. "Draco, you know what you have to do right?"

I nodded solemnly. "Find Harry Potter and befriend him. He's the chosen one." He gave me a small curt nod. "Crabbe and Goyle will be on the train with you. Keep an eye on them and look out for Potter." I hugged my mother goodbye, and much to my dismay, she kissed me on the cheek. 

I was eleven for goodness sake, much too old to be kissed on the cheek by my mother, especially in public. After I protested against her kiss, I hugged her one last time, and then my father patted me on the back, led me to the train, and then turned and walked back to my mother, not looking back once.  I was walking to an empty compartment when I saw her. 

She was beautiful, even I could see that as young as I was. She has black curls that fell to her waist, bright green eyes, and the prettiest smile.

 I was enamored by her. 

I blinked. She was gone. She must have gone into an empty compartment up there. I began to follow her but was pulled back when I heard the familiar voice of a certain pug-faced girl. "Ohhh Drakeyyyyy," I rolled my eyes and walked into the compartment that seated Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and of course, pug face herself. 

I sighed. "Hello Parkinson," she gave me a sickly grin, nothing like that girl's that I had seen, "Drakeyyyy I'm so excited to see you! We haven't seen each other in forever." "It was only last week that I saw you, not nearly long enough," I mumbled. 

The Parkinson's, Zabini's, Nott's, Crabbe's, and Goyle's are all family friends of my father's. I'm decent friends with them all, except for Pansy. She's horrid and completely obsessed with me. So annoying.  We spent most of the train ride discussing our summers and what we were excited about for Hogwarts. Pansy however was being extremely clingy and irritating, putting be into an awful mood. I excused myself with a scowl right before the train pulled into the station to change into my robes. As I was coming out of the restroom after I was done changing I bumped into her. 

"Oh I'm terribly sorry-" I cut her off, my scowl turning into a smirk,  

"Don't worry about it, just be more careful next time."

She met my smirk with a beautiful smile as I moved to the side and let her pass by so she could go change in the restroom. I returned to my compartment just as the train stopped. We all grabbed our luggage and carried it to a horseless carriage. 

We were finally on our way to Hogwarts.   

(1386 words)

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