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" Come on Lilly time to wake up " The voice said

"Come on you have been out for four days Now Sleep Time is over I need my best friend " A softer voice said

Her eyes flutter open to see Sean and Sang sitting in the chairs next to bed

"Why are you two in my room "Lilly asked

Both chuckled slightly
" Silly your not a home you are in the hospital, We dont know all the details the only things we know are your wrist is broken several of your ribs are fractured and you have bruises that cover your body" Sean said

" Lilly who did this to you " Sang asked

Closing her eyes she didn't want to share the information but she knew she had too
"My Father " she whispered out

" That Bastard " Sang all but yells
" Easy Pookie , Do you know where he might have gone " Sean asked
" No he showed up at the house when North and Silas dropped me off when I went in he was behind the door he grabbed me covered my mouth so I couldn't scream the last thing I remember is hearing Kota and Nathan " Lilly tells them .

" Well from this point on you are not going back to that house Lilly you will either stay with me or with Sang and Boys " Uncle says from the doorway There was another man in a Dr's Coat with him

" Hello Little Bird I'm Dr Roberts , I helped Sean fix you up and I will have to agree that you are not to go back home , Tell me how long has this been going on and Don't lie your X-rays tell the story I want to hear it from you "

Looking down at her hands

" Lilly I know it's hard to admit you need help believe me I do it took a lot of convincing from my guys to let them help me " Sang says as she took Lilly's hand in hers

" Since I was 6 it was off an on a slap or punch here and there then when My Mother was put into jail he seemed to turn his attention to me when he wasn't in Jail himself which was where he was until he showed up at the house I had been meaning to change the locks but I didn't have enough money to feed myself pay bills or fix my car " Lilly tells them not all of what he did to her because that's just to painful to tell.

" Well your car is now fixed , You no longer need to pay for that house it's not your responsibility There is an apartment open at Jasper Sergeant next to the Toma Team they can help keep an eye out on her along with your Team  Owen , until we find him and deal with him You can keep working at the Diner but one of them will drive you home and take you completely inside the apartment I will assign the Anderson Team to her once they are done with their current mission which is in two days so between You and Axel should be able to keep up with her since all she will be doing is resting and healing " Dr Roberts said .

Two days had passed Lilly had been moved into the apartment next to Axel and his family , Gabriel had decorated the place in less than 24 hours he even had place setting for the table , The bedroom was a dream it had a king size bed that was so comfortable which is a good thing since she was spending a lot of time in it.

Six months later Things were the same but better for Lilly she had recovered from her injuries but was still being somewhat babysat the guys always kept an eye on her in one way or another.

A few days ago Corey found something on the DarkWeb he went to Lilly first then after talking to her a Group meeting was held to talk about the video that was up loaded to a Torture website it was a video of her from the attack that her Father filmed six months ago it didn't show everything that he did but enough to make Lilly sick to her stomach
They had a group meeting about it it was Deemed to Keep a more intense eye on Lilly since in the comments Her Father stated a new video will be soon .

Axel had came over along with Raven to sit with Lilly they had settled on watching a Movie, Corey and Marc were bringing a Pizza or two for them to eat.

Half way through the movie there was a knock at the door Axel got up and Answered it but not without giving Raven a look
As Axel looked through the peephole he stepped back and open the door

" Piñata "
" Turkey "
" Come on in " Axel said as a Man the size of Raven and Silas together with Black hair bright Blue eyes he looked very well built.

" Lilly , this is Henry he is apart of the Anderson Team who is taking over keeping an eye on you and troublesome self " Axel said with a laugh
" Yeah I can get into a lot trouble with 14 men following me around all the time , Hello "Lilly said.

The man named Henry just grunted
" Before you get worried that's the way he talks at times he's a lot like South " Raven said

Lilly smacked Raven on the arm and pointed at him
" Stop that I told once now this is the second time Raven stop calling North .. South it's rude or I'll tell Kayli you made me cry " Lilly said with a straight face .

Raven looked at Lilly he opens his mouth then shuts it
" Fine" he mumbles.

Axel laughs out loud
"God your good Lilly I haven't seen him speechless before "He says.

" Thank you " Lilly replies with a laugh of her own .

" I think she played you " The man named Henry said his voice was very deep and demanding

"Ah he speaks and Yes I did "Lilly tells him grinning.

Henry raises his eyebrow at Lilly but has a smirk on his face .

"Hey we brought pizza " Corey said at the door
" Oh good I'm hungry " Lilly said to them
" Well lets feed you I know how you get if you don't eat " Marc said with a laugh
" Hey I said I was sorry but i had gone several hours without food " Lilly explains

Raven scooped Lilly up growling at her making her laugh he carried her into the Kitchen plops her down in a chair

" Henry join us I'll make them share " Lilly says

Henry stood at the doorway for a moment he realized really quickly this assignment was going to be a challenge to keep his heart out of it.

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