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"Will you help me?" Lauren suddenly stopped from walking when Kazuma blocked her way to the cafeteria. Being alone is sometimes a scare for her since a few students like this one is suddenly blocking her way.

"What kind of help?" She raised her brows while looking at him but he just held her arm and dragged her to the rooftop.

Makoto is not around since he needed to attend his family's annual reunion. She shoved his hand away when they got arrived at the rooftop. Kazuma scratched his nape and seems like feeling shy that he is asking for a help.

"Can you be my girlfriend?" Her eyes widened with his question. Kazuma's eyes went wide as well but he immediately shook his hand, gesturing that it's not that what he meant.

"I mean, I'm asking for a help. Fake girlfriend, that's it." She still have her eyes widened and he muttered a curse for surprising her like that.

"We will have a family reunion soon and my mother is forcing me to bring a girl even though I don't have one. You're the closest one to me, so yeah. That's it." He explained with his hands inside his pockets, looking away to hide his flustered face.

"But isn't that more awkward? That you'll have me as your fake girlfriend because I'm the closest one to you." She finally recovered from the shock and she tried her best to keep herself composed even though this sudden situation is giving her butterflies in stomach.

She furrowed her brows as she realized that her childhood bestfriend and this man in front of her are suddenly having family reunions. Well, it is almost year-end. It is given that most of the people will have it. She attended her family's annual reunion for a few times but most of the time, she is choosing to spend that day with her friends from other university.

"So, will you help me?" Kazuma asked once again and she heaved a sigh before giving him an answer.

"Let me think about it first. When will that be?" She got her phone from her pocket and opened her calendar.

"Next month. Third Saturday." She checked her schedules and found that she is free on that day. She bit her lips and turned her phone screen off.

"Let me think about it. Give me some time first. You still have lots of time to look for another girl." Before Kazuma can say anything, she quickly fled from the scene and ran to the cafeteria.


"So, here's the thing." Lauren started as she is having a video call with her friends. She stopped for a while when she saw Makoto at the screen, right next to his sister, Fuyu.

"Get out of here, Makoto. This is a girl's talk. You're not included." Fuyu pushed her brother out of her room and they started arguing.

"She will also tell it to me. Isn't it convenient that she will only need to tell it once?" Makoto reasoned out as he is keeping himself inside her room by lying down on the bed.

"Makoto!" Fuyu pulled his leg with all her might but since he is stronger than her, she fell on the floor.

"I'm older than you by one minute! You call me Onii-chan!" Makoto got up from the bed and covered her mouth with his hand, squeezing himself on the swivel chair in front of her laptop.

"So, here's the thing. Kazuma asked me to be his fake girlfriend." Lauren finally said and everyone went silent.

Fuyu stopped from struggling from her brother. Makoto's face went serious. Gia almost choked with the iced coffee that her husband prepared for her. Coni stopped for a while from practicing putting fake eyelashes.

"What will you do now? What did you answer?" Gia asked and Fuyu looked at Makoto who is just staring at the laptop screen.

"I haven't given him an answer." Lauren sighed and Fuyu saw how her brother felt relieved with that.

At this point, Fuyu is feeling bad that Makoto needs to hear something like that. She knows her brother well. They are not twins for nothing. She went behind him and started ruffling his hair. Makoto didn't protest but he have a little sad smile on his lips.

"If you don't want to do it, don't do it." Fuyu commented and Makoto thanked her in his mind for helping him.

Lauren explained the whole situation and they found out that it will happen next month. For the whole time they are having a video call, Makoto is just listening to them and not even giving side comments.

Fuyu turned her laptop off and closed it after the video call. She looked at him and saw him throwing her piggy plushie to the ceiling while lying down on the bed.

"If you really like her, you should confess." She said but he shook his head. The risk of losing her when he confessed is high. He doesn't want to lose her at all cost.

"I don't want to lose her. She is my bestfriend." He got up from the bed and finally went out of her room, leaving his sister alone and now, he is feeling hopeless that he is only a bestfriend.

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