chapter 2 - glimpse of childhood

Start from the beginning

Violet and red curtains made of the purest silk obtainable maintained the royal standards of the palace. Every door in the palace was engraved with pictures representing the stories from history, examples being the story of Narasimha and the Story of Rama and much more.

Every furniture in the palace was made with the best raw material accessible by renowned Carpenters and the handiworks on them were exquisite.

Mayurika looked around in awe as this was the first time she was visiting the palace. Otherwise she would stay with her grandmother at home. But recently, her grandmother departed for pilgrimage as her grandmother felt that it would be best for her who is in senescence stage of life to accept sanyas, abandon worldly relation and attain spiritual delight. Her mother agreed to it with heavy heart too.

Rukmini excitedly said"let us go to the courtyard". They both with their little feets ran towards the courtyard where Rukmini's elder brothers were practicing war techniques and weapons. Rukmini being their dearest sister easily grabbed their attention.

"O dear Rukmini, who is this girl besides you?"her second eldest brother Rukmaratha inquired, leisurely holding his bow in hand.

"Pranam bhratasree, she is my new friend Mayurika"

"She clearly does not look like a nobility to me"Rukmi stated with a frown, holding a heavy sword in his hands, ready to wield.

"Rajkumar ki jay. That is because I am daughter of Jayanti who is..."
"Jayanti? As far as I know there is only one Jayanti in this palace who is Matashree's mukhyadasi. You are a dasiputri"

He turned to Rukmini and ordered"Rukmini, stay away from her. It's demeaning to walk with a commoner, that too a dasiputri"Rukmi looked at Mayurika with disgust visible in his eyes.

Rukmi's words angered Rukmini. She saw the a flash of sadness cross Mayurika's innocent face but quickly covered it. Even though she was very young, she knew that when limits are broken, it is of no use to suppress your thoughts and voice. Her parents have always taught her to stand for the right. While Rukmini hears her heart, Rukmi goes with conservative ways of society in general.

"Bhratasree, how could you say like that? She is a human just like us. Why should she be considered below us if her contribution is just as equal as ours. Haven't Matashree taught us to respect everybody irrespective of their status? And besides, Matashree has let me play with her"Rukmini tried to make Rukmi understand by keeping her respect she has towards her brother.

The other four brothers who were silently witnessing all this exchanges were amused by Rukmini's brilliant answer. Rukmanetra, the youngest brother applaused her and said"she is absolutely right. I am with her".

Rukmaratha and Rukmakethu though not entirely convinced, smiled at Rukmini anyway. Rukmi gritted his teeth and went back to practicing.

Rukmini went away from there with Mayurika. It was not long until the time came for Rukmini to bid farewell to her new friend. Mayurika's mother has got special permission from Maharani to go home at dusk and return at dawn. Rukmini excitedly grasped the information that she would return the day after.

After a long day of playing and enjoying life, Rukmini was sent to her room to get a good night sleep by her Matashree. She was laying reluctantly in the bed when she heard some footstep coming near to her. With a sudden fear instilled in her mind, she got up in a swift motion.

"Sshhh"Rukmakethu motioned her to be silent. Rukmini was astonished to see her all five brothers assembled in her room. The big thali in their plates didn't go unnoticed by her.

Rukmi with a regretful expression came forward and caressed Rukmini's head. "I am sorry for shouting at you today for no reason. I thought about it a lot. I'm now okay with you bring friend with her. I apologise for being impulsive"he said with a apologetic smile

Rukmini with a bewildered expression, said"what are you doing bhratasree? You are elder to me and I'm in no position to receive an apology from you"

Rukmi with a pout continued"but you have to say that you have forgiven me"

Rukmini, unable to get him to leave the matter, surrendered to his wish"okayyyy, I have forgiven you".

Rukmaratha with pride, told"But I still can't believe that our little sister has become so matured and all, to even stand up for herself. I can't believe that you are just six. I am proud of you that you can be childish and understanding at the same time". Rukmini smiled a clumsy smile.

"Anyway we have brought this to make up for our act"Rukmi said as he took the big thali from Rukmabahu's hand a placing it in front of Rukmini. Other brothers settled themselves in the huge bed around Rukmini. Rukmini looked at the thali with a curious and glowing eyes.

Rukmi took hold of the yellow clothe covering the thali and uncovered it. It wa filled with variety of sweets like laddu, jalebi ,gulab jamun, kheer and many more. Rukmini looked at Rukmi shocked.

Rukmi said with a hushed tone"don't say to Matashree. Okay?". Rukmini vigorously nodded her head. The night went by with a huge feast in Rukmini's room and siblings bonding. They shared the sweets, feeding and teasing each other and mostly care for each other.



•Dasi - female servant
•Dasiputri - daughter of dasi
•Bhratashree - Brother
•Pranam - salutation
•kheer, laddu, jalebi - Indian sweets
•Thali - Huge plate


I know this chapter does not have much content and sorry for any kind of mistakes. I believe Rukmini and Rukmi did have a wonderful sibling bond in her childhood. And I don't know if these sweets existed in the time of dwapara yuga...🥴
And I know... Rukmini feels toooo understanding and mature for her age, but it's true... It's us, the adults who instills unwanted discrimination into children's mind. And mein bhi Bohath understanding bacchi thi . So ..😌🙊

The scene above are purely from my imagination.

Don't forget to vote.... please, it's my request...🙏🙏


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