How you met!

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I will be doing a gf scenarios after this!!

🥦Izuku Mydoria🥦
      You were eating ice cream you had just gotten from the park vendor. You had begged your mother to let you go by yourself, and eventually she gave in. So your 8 year old self was walking home, when you heard crying. You followed the sound curiosity taking over. In a nearby ally a boy that looked about your age was there.Bruised and crying. You ran over to him and sat next to him.
"Are you okay?"You asked startling him.
"Y-yeah, I'm alright. I'm Izuku Mydoria." He introduces, wiping his tears.
"I'm Y/N L/N." You replied...

       You had just moved to japan from England.  Your father had decided early on, you being accepted into U.A was just an added bonus! You were entering the building, walking to your class you saw a blonde boy. Yelling at pink haired girl and a red haired boy. His hair is sorda dumb lookin, you thought. This blonde was giving you a headache. An angry you was never a good you. Please don't let him be in the same class as me,You internally pleaded.
"Jesus the world really fucking hates me." You said aloud when the angry blonde entered the glass room.
"Bakugo! Come here!" A cheery pikachu lookin dude shouted.
"Shut it dunce face!"The kid now known as Bakugo yelled.
"Both of you shut the hell up! Your giving me a damn headache!"You yelled gathering the attention of the rest of the class. Aizawa peacefully watching from the corner drinking his coffee with a couple shots of alcohol cause how else is he gonna handle this tea.
"What the hell did you say extra?!"Bakugo yelled.
"I said shut up! You over emotional Pomeranian!"You yelled back, massaging your temple.
"I'm Bakugo katsuki, what about you?" Bakugo asked sitting down behind you.
"Oh so your calm now?! Gee thanks. And it's Y/N,"You said laying yo ur head on the desk to signify that you weren't interested in conversating at the moment.
Sitting alone once again, my friends had just replaced me for another girl. I was sitting in the park they left me at. I couldn't move, I couldn't speek. They were my last hope, th e only thing I had left to live for. Now what?
Everything the gloomy apartment I had been living out of ever since my parents died due to a recent car accident.
Later that night I had decided that I was gonna stop mopping around and go out. Where? Mabey a bar or something I don't know just anywhere that isn't here. Quickly throwing on a sweater and boots I made my way to the beach. Sitting in the sand, watching the waves was peaceful and it gave me comfort.
A boy around my age appeared in the distance, he had bruises up and down his bare chest. I carefully walked towards him.
"Are you okay?" I ask him.
"I'm fine no need to worry!" The dual colored boy said.
"I'm Y/N L/N and I'm gonna help you." I said sternly.
"I'm Todoroki and I appreciate it." He says....
You were playing volleyball, you and your friend. You were winning so far.
"Ha you asshole!I'm beating you!" You laughed.
"Oh whatever, block this!" They yelled and hit the ball. You hit it back to them, they spiked it and it went flying towards a red haired boy.
"WATCH OUT PERSON IDK!"You yelled, he looked up and was hit in the forehead with the ball.
"Ack!"he yelled and fell into the ground you ran over to make sure he was okay.
"Omg! Are you okay! F/n You dumbass you hit a really cute boy!"you yelled ya your friend, they laughed at you.
"Are you okay?" You asked again retuni  my your attention to him.
"Yeah I'm good your all good." He said.
"Here I'll buy you ice cream, as a sorry for my friends pathetic attempt at spikeing" You said glaring at your friend who was playing on there phone.
"I'm Kirishima, and sure ice cream sounds great!" He said.
"I'm Y/n, here let's go." You chuckled helping him up and completely forgetting about the ball in the bushes.
You were walking around an alleyway, you see you had just ran out of the house after another fight with your strict parents. In shorts and a sweater, in the middle of the night. How smart.
You had gotten lost.
All of a sudden three men had seen you and were chasing after you.
The first person you saw was a blonde boy.
"Please help me!" You yelled grab I nag into him with your reared filled eyes.
"Woah what's going on?!"He asked suprised at the girl clinging to his arm.
"There's three men after me and they won't leave me alone!"You cried he looked at you wide eyed and saw the men not to far off.
"Follow me I know we're to hide." He said you smiled slightly and nodded.
He took you inside of a cafe and went around to the back.
"I'm Y/n and I'm super sorry to put you in this position." You said tears still streaming down your face.
"I'm Denki, and your fine babe I'm glad I was there when I was." He chuckled. You blushed at the name.
"Thank you denki." You said.
"Of course Y/n"
This braniack had grown up with you, you two were inseparable. Went everywhere together and did everything together.  if you weren't with him you were with your grandmother who you had loved dearly.
You were on the street, dieing slowly. You and just gotten ambushed and were bleeding out.
"Well, what do we got here? A dying peasent?" Said a voice. You could only see out of one eye and even then you were about to pass out from blood lose.
"P-please, gib my n-necklace to my little sister."You said, your sister was only 7 years old and was the only family you had left. You had been doing illegal jobs to want just enough to scrap by.
"Hm, I think I'll do one better." He said, you passed out before you could here anything else.
You were shopping at hot topic in your civilian form. As you were a villain, a small but still well known villain named, Ghost as anyone who even came close to catching you, you vanished like ghost.
You ran across a guy with black hair that had bags full of clothes and stuff. You knew who is was.
"Hey Dabi." You said he turned a smirked at you.
"Well if it isn't the bitchiest bitch of ever." He said.
"Oh but you love me." You chuckled, he laughed at you as you struck a pose.
"Whatever Ghosty." He said.

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