Chapter 1

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The worst feeling in the world that you could possibly imagine is waking up and seeing your world is destroyed. Not knowing what has happened and how you could possibly have slept through a disaster like this.

When I woke up this morning, the world like you and I know it was completely gone. When I went to sleep the previous night everything was still fine. There were families dining in their homes, people walking outside in the cool night air and street lights casting a soft glow on the darkened streets. So how did this happen?

It was like I was living in a nightmare and I can’t wake up. There were no signs the previous day that the world would be ending today; that there would be nothing left when I open my eyes again.

My family isn’t in their beds; hell, my house isn’t even standing properly anymore. The ceiling have collapsed down and crushed everything beneath it. Items were scattered around and there were dust flying in the air. Above, the open sky was a dull grey and the morning air was cold.

People were walking around screaming for their families; trying to locate their presence.

I walked around outside the rubble trying to wrap my head around this: the world as I know it was gone. Everything that was normal yesterday was different today. Nothing looked the same; the houses that were neatly lined in the streets with beautiful gardens were now a tumble of wood and dust.

As I walked on, trying to locate my family, a young girl was sitting and rocking back and forth, muttering words I couldn’t understand. When I carefully approached her and crouched down beside her, she suddenly grabbed my torn sleeve and screamed hysterically at me, “It’s the end, it’s here. This is the end for us all.”

I yanked away from her and backed away from harm. Could this really be true? Can this be the fateful apocalypse that has been discussed over thousands of years?

“Miss?” Came a voice from behind me. I spun around quickly to look at the face beyond the voice.

                                                                                                                                     In front of me stood a small man in a white jump suit. He was short with reddish hair and glasses that covered his eyes. His hands were folded behind his back as he stared intently at me, waiting for a response.

I took a step back from the stranger and recoiled at his serious face. Who was this man?

“Carly Jackson?” The man spoke with a strong and formal voice coming out of his tiny body.

I frowned at the man’s recognition of me and folded my arms across my chest for protection and comfort. Not like he could do anything to me, right?

“Yes.” I spoke and my voice sounded very faint and small. I cleared my throat to sound more brave and strong.

The man stuck out his hand and smiled for a second before turning his features serious again, “Andy Middleton, nice to meet you.”

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