Chapter 2: Dumbledore

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Mal's POV

"A mudblood? A mudblood can't be sorted into Slytherin." I heard Pansy Parkinson whisper behind me as I walked to take a seat at the Slytherin table. I dislike this brat already. When I sat down I got a look at Dumbledore, the headmaster, he nodded to me and mouthed my office. Confused, I mouthed back now?

No. Later. Just wait. He mouthed to me and I nodded.

"Mudbloods don't belong in Slytherin." I heard Blaise say, not bothering to whisper.

I'm not a mudblood, I'm a pureblood. I'm adopted. I thought to myself but wouldn't dare say it out loud. No one has to know, they all think Malorie Delevine is dead anyway, the world is safer if they think so.

"Granger." I heard a voice next to me and turned to see who I already knew it was.

"Malfoy." I responded, rolling my eyes.

"You? A Slytherin? Surprise surprise, who would've thought? They let mudbloods in now, wait till my father hears about what Hogwarts has turned into."

"Yeah yeah, go run to tell your daddy, I'm sure that he'll solve all your problems with a snap of his fingers." I rolled my eyes and turned to look at the high table again. I heard Malfoy scoff and turn around, finally leaving me alone at this table.


After Dumbledore's announcements everyone cleared out, except for me since Dumbledore called me to his office, where he was already waiting. I stood in awe at the eagle-like elevator he had leading up to his office, and hesitated to move when I saw him sitting alone, front and center at his desk.

"C'mon Ms. Granger. We've got lots to talk about." He waved me over and I sat in a chair in front of him. "You must be wondering why the hat said what he said, about your destiny?"

"You heard that?"

"Why Ms. Granger, you must know I don't have to hear it to already know. You are destined to help a troubled wizard, is that right?" I shrugged and nodded. "You surely already know who this young wizard is, you've had a few interactions with him already, haven't you?" Oh god please tell me he is not going to say... "Mr. Malfoy." I knew it. Bloody Brilliant.

"But sir... Malfoy and I aren't exactly on the best terms. He thinks I'm a--"

Mudblood. As he so politely put it.

"Muggle born?" Dumbledore used the politically correct term. I nodded. "Yes well, we both know you're not. Correct?" I nodded again. "I am very sorry for your loss Ms. Delevine."

"Granger." I corrected him, "I stopped being a Delevine when my birth father chose to leave. I've been a Granger for 3 years now, and very proudly am so."

"My apologies. Let's get back on track, shall we?" he stood up and waved for me to stand as well. "You have a bigger purpose in your life, whatever it is that manages our lives chose you to be a leader, a protector, a friend... to Mr. Draco Malfoy. At all costs, you must help him throughout this journey." His words engraved deep into my head and I couldn't help the selfish thought that flashed through my mind.

Who's going to help me?

"Sir, I'm only 12. How am I supposed to do this?" I expressed my doubts out loud.

"You're kind Ms. Granger, and you have a pure heart, very few in Slytherin possess these traits. You are very loving and I can tell you are someone that is easy to be loved once they have gotten to know you. Let Mr. Malfoy get to know you. It will not be easy for him to open up to you, or trust you, but you must remember: for people to trust you, you must trust them." I sighed and nodded, knowing there wasn't a way out of this.

"I'm sure you know what this prophecy of your destiny entails, don't you?" I cringed at the thought of what I knew had to be done: the Unbreakable Vow. I extended my hand to his and we took hold of each other's wrists as with his other hand he held his wand. "Do you, Malorie Katerina Granger, vow to protect and to help Draco Lucius Malfoy stay on the right path to the best of your ability?"

I inhaled deeply before saying the 2 words that would come to determine the path for the rest of my life, "I will." I watched the golden-like chain wrap around Dumbledore and my wrist and disappear as fast as it appeared.

"You will excel in Slytherin Ms. Granger, run along now. Return to your dormitory, and don't forget about your vow." How could I? I nodded as I left his office.

What the bloody hell have I gotten myself into?

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