| game one. |

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"Morning, Oikawa!"

"Hey! We'll have a soccer match against Ryuuichi and the others from class 5-1 after school, will you come? Winning will be a sure thing if you join us!"

"Yeah! Come play with us!"

"Oikawa-kun, morning! I saw your father on TV, yesterday!"

"Congratulations, Oikawa-kun!! I heard you got rank one last semester!!"

Those were the words that Oikawa had been used to hearing all this time. Well, why not? His father was the president of a large resort company. In lessons, he was always at the top of his class. Don't forget that he's the champion in sports. His face is also handsome, he can't count the number of times he's being invited by talent scouts to become an artist or model. Even though he would still reject it with an excuse that he didn't want to sell himself cheaply.

In conclusion, he's just like the king in his world.

And does he like that?

Of course, the answer is yes. Compliments that are like his daily supplies increase his ego. Especially for grade 5 elementary school children who have not just entered adolescence.

However, that changed when that girl appeared...

"Seika Mikoto from Akita, nice to meet you."

Oikawa rested his chin on his palm. His eyes looked lazily at the girl from top to bottom. The girl looks plain. With straight black hair that is braided in two and placed at the front. Her eyes were slightly tapered upwards with a gray, blank look, matching her expressionless face. Especially with a very monotonous tone of voice. The only good in her was probably her tall body.

Nothing special, so plain. And gloomy, he thought. Overall, looks poor.

That was his first impression of her.


"Well, Sensei will give you the result of the test you did a few days ago," The teacher's voice echoed which made almost all the students in the class immediately whispered anxiously about their grades. "Maybe the test this time is a bit difficult, yeah? Only one person got the full marks."

All the students immediately whispered again, saying his name which made him grin arrogantly. He is the smartest student in the school after all. So he was confident that he was the only one who got it. While leaning his chin against his palm, Oikawa waited for his name to be called out while still wearing a grin.

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