Chapter 1- My death

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I didn't want to be here. It was too dark and gloomy for me. I didn't like the twisted and gnarled trees, I didn't like the graves that were plotted in the earth. Horror stories often took place here. I know they aren't real but there could be a slight possibility that they are...

But her grave was here. And I needed to visit her. No matter how scared I am, I will not leave until I see her grave. I want to see her so badly, I want to talk to her, but she was dead, so talking to her won't really make a difference. It would only be a one sided conversation anyway.

I walked down the little steep stony path, to where her grave lay, underneath the small branch. Nightfall had arisen now. Apart from the moon, there was nothing else to aid my vision. I could just about make out the gravestones.

Her grave was becoming closer.

The sounds of footsteps enveloped me.

Was somebody here?

What if it was her corpse?

No it can't be...I think my nerves have affected my brain...

The footsteps grew distant...

Thank God...

But then I heard something...

I strained my ears to make out the sound...

What was it?

Then I heard rustling.

I looked up.

It was just an owl.

More footsteps.

Apparently I wasn't alone here. I was accompanied.

Who was it?

The footsteps were becoming closer...

I ducked behind her grave. It wasn't really much of a hiding place but I can't think at the moment.

I had to go now. I had seen her grave. It was time to leave. But there was someone here...

I broke out into heavy sweat.

I could see a dark figure wandering aimlessly through the graves.

I wanted to leave but how was I supposed to do that when there was a stranger right in front of me? How was I supposed to exit without drawing attention to myself?

I peeped outside again.

The figure had dissapeared.

The footsteps were no longer being heard.

Whoever that was, they were gone now. Phew.

Just as I was about to get up from behind her grave I felt a sharp tap on my shoulder.

Trying to surpress my scream, I whipped around.

And I came eye to eye with a face.

A familiar one.

A scream was lodged in my throat. But it wouldn't come out. This person...

It was her.

But...what was she doing here?

She was supposed to be in her grave.

How is she wandering around? This isn't possible. I think I'm hallucinating.

"Hello sister" She drawled in a whispery ghost like voice.

I heard her. That means I'm not dreaming.

My sister...she had returned from the dead...

And with that thought, I felt my heart burst, and I collapsed amidst the graves and that was last anyone ever saw of me.

The day I died.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora