When we got to the bedroom I stood in front of my long mirror and held up my shirt revealing my skinny white belly... 'I can't believe in like 3 months I'm gonna be fat!' Harry laughed at me 'Darcy your so full of it.' We just laughed at each other. When we laid down he sand into my ear 'isn't she lovely' he knew I loved the way he sang that song. When he was half way through I felt his tears slide down my shoulder I say up and looked at him. He was crying like a little boy. I asked him 'haz what's wrong?' He looked at me 'babe.. I'm scared,, I've never been a dad,, I just want to be the best one to our little baby and I'm not sure how to,, and I just love you and don't want you to get hurt,,,I'm just afraid that if I mess up you'll leave me..' 'Harry look at me' I said making him look me in the eyes 'I will never leave you.. This is our baby,, we're both new to this, your going to be a great dad!' He just laid his head into my shoulder and continued to sing. It made him feel stronger and less insecure about himself. Within a few minutes we had fallen asleep.


Sorry this is really late and really short but I've been busy with thanksgiving, my dads birthday, moms birthday, choir practice twice a week, youth group once a week and some other stuff to, but I'll try to keep updating as much as possible please stick around.xx




When I woke up I had a huge case of morning sickness. Almost as soon as I got into the bathroom I heard Harry follow me in. He was holding my hair out of my face and rubbing my back with his soft hands. I'm still not sure what it was about him but he always made me feel comfortable and safe. I felt like a princess when I was around him.


When I was all cleansed up harry and I realized that we only had 3 1/2 months until we would have a new baby here. And the most important thing we needed to do was come up with a name. But first we needed to find out if our baby was a boy or a girl, so that's what we were going to do. We both had went to get ready and met each other at the door. He took my hand and helped me walked to the car opening the door for me. I was so anxious. I really wanted a baby girl more then anything.


When we arrived at the hospital the doctor was waiting for us. We had told him we were going to be coming today, he lead us strait to the check up room. Of course the first thing I said was 'can you tell us the sex?' The doctor replied immediately 'oh I'm sure we can let me just do a regular check up and we should be able to tell' he did the same procedure as before telling us our baby was healthy and we should have a great delivery then he said 'now let's see if this is a girl or a boy' as soon as he figured it out he smiled at us,,, congrats your having a baby girl!' Darcy looked up at me with a huge smile in her face we had talked about this before and I knew she wanted a daughter more then anything.



Harry.. I can't believe it's a girl. What should we name her. He told me he loved the name Ellie. I desired that would be perfect. I also wanted to give her my middle name.... Grace, she would be called Ellie Grace Styles. We both thought it was perfect. So to celebrate we went out for diner together leaving a note for the boys 'went to the red tomato to celebrate our new baby GIRL! Love harry and Darc'


We the boys and I arrived home there was a note on the door from Harry and Darc, I was the first to see it, I screamed at the sight of 'baby girl' I said 'GUYS THERE HAVING A GIRL!!!!!'They all ran around to the door and studied the note. The did there happy dances weather the row boat or the swimmer.. Of course louis just went crazy, I was happy for them. They were going to be such great parents. We all knew sooner or later the press would find out and we couldn't hide it forever. Even tho Darcy's was six months she didnt get a belly really. She still looked gorgeous to all of us and fit into her close and all. But when the fans find out we.. The boys.. Not one direction.. Just the boys.. Louis niall liam zayn.. But even more harry. We know she's going to get hate on twitter but were going to motivate her so she doesn't let it get to her,,, and that's what I was going to tell the rest of the Boys before Harry and Darcy got home.

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