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All warmness and silence around me. I was in a place where no one would disturbe me. My work was only to eat and sleep. As my eyes were closed I couldn't see where I am. One day I heard a female sound saying"dear we will soon have a child". On this one male replied"yes dear I am very eagerly waiting for him/her,if it would be a girl she would be name Rio and if it is a boy he will be our Tiger". I never knew who these people were. I was in a bag like structure. This was small due to which I would be in a same position. Reader's any guesses where I am??yes true I am in my mother's womb. There was someone beside me who used to daily push me and wanted to occupy more space. Who this idiot was I don't know. But as you all know I am famous for my.. naughtiness I too used would push him. This used to go on everyday. I think you all understood that it was my stupid brother.
One fine day I was in deep sleep. And that idiot was snoring which woke me up. I suddenly started sliding down. I never knew why is this happening. Now again I started sliding down and that idiot was above me who was pushing me more down and we both fall down on a bumpy surface. I murmured in my mind," oh no where am I such a disturbance around me,no warmness,all sounds which were making me angry . I was shivering because of no warmness". And suddenly there someone starts tickling me. I was laughing like oh my god. I imagined who is this tickling me. But hope so reader's you understood that it was my mom who was licking the blood which was on my body.
I would drink my mom's milk and sleep. This was the only thing which I used to do till my eyes were closed. But there also this idiot would not let to live me in peace. Whenever I would go to my mom to drink milk he would push me and would be the first one to reach mom.
It was a shiny morning. I felt that now my eyes are opening. I slowly and steadily started opening my eyes. I screamed "oh no such a big creatures who are these". And I shut my eyes in fear. The two creatures were actually my mom and dad. I felt that how can these be so big than me. But actually I was too small than them. Dad took me in his arms and cried in happiness " there's my Rio". I was happy to see my mom and dad. And after some time when I turned round there I saw that stupid. My mom told me"Rio see your brother". I was angrily looking at him. I complained my mom"he is not my brother he used to push me daily". Tiger started laughing. And I was like..ughh..what a brother I have got.

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