"Is that Jo?" Arizona said from the other line.

"I think it's cutting out Az."


The call ended and the pair burst into a laugh ; a laugh so contagious it made their baby wake up and laugh too.

The pair got back to the house and Alex told Jo that he would take Eve out for a while so she could get some rest. She was hesitant but they both knew that he had to spend time with her aswell. Jo got comfortable and dozed off into a sleep after watching only 20 minutes of a movie, and Alex left with Eve.

"Jo. Jo wake up." A muffled voice came from above Jo, as a firm grip shook her shoulder till she woke up.

"Mer? What is it?" Jo's eyes once again winced open, but there wasn't a bright hospital light blinding her this time ; it was the light coming through the sheer curtains covering the windows.

"Where's Eve?" Genuine concern came from the friends voice.

Jo sat up slowly, motioning Meredith to sit by her feet. She looked around as she rubbed her eyes to see the house torn apart like a tornado hit it.

"Okay. I need you to be calm."

"Why? Jo, what's happened? Did you sell you kid? Just tell me."

"Eve is with Alex."

"Okay, and?"

"Oh? I thought you'd be judgemental. Hm, okay well."

"No. It was bound to happen. I knew Izzie died. I was invited to the funeral, I didn't go but that's besides the point. And anyways, it was about time you two got back together." Meredith let out a light chuckle as she saw Jo's relief from her reply.

"Wait, has he talked to you? Because I don't know if we are back together or what? I want him. I know that. And Eve deserves her dad but also he has two kids and it's a big change and I just don't-"

"Jo, stop. You're waffling. Alex is a great dad and it would be a big change but you also need to know that this is the right thing for you currently. Is this really what you want? He hasn't talked to me. I've barely talk to you since you asked me to take Eve home yesterday but I do now how much he loves you absolutely nothing will change that." Smiles keeps onto both of their faces.

"You really think?"

"If there's one thing in this world that I've learnt, life's too short to not take that leap and hope for the best." Meredith paused, and took a deep breathe. "As a good friends once said, 'if you love someone, you tell 'em, even if you're scared it's not the right thing' so you have to be straight up Jo."

A pounding knock hit the door. 3 loud, consecutive knocks...

Meredith stood up to answer, leaving Jo on the couch with furrowed brows.

"Hi, is this the house of Josephine Wilson?" A voice, loud and clear spoke, but Jo couldn't see their faces.

"Yes, she's in here." Merediths eyes wondered as 2 police officers entered the home in which their children sleep, questioning everything Jo has done or could've done in the last week that could have been accounted for as a felony.

The covers flew up off of Jo's legs, also tossing her phone onto the floor behind the furniture.

"I'm afraid there's been an accident. Can you come with us please?"

Jo and Meredith sat in the back of the police car, as the police officers sped down the busy roads, lights flashing, Jo's hand placed inside of Meredith's, as she squeezed it tight. They both thought of worst case scenarios in their heads of what could have happened. 'Where's Eve?' 'What happened to Alex?' 'Is it something not to do with them two?' Every situation, they had thought of it.

Jo and Mer, still hand in hand, followed the officers through the ER up to the front desk where they met up with Hunt.

"We got a incoming MVC. It's Alex and Eve..." He took a slight pause. "And Alexis and Eli."


After Everything That Happened. [Alex Karev + Jo Wilson ]Where stories live. Discover now