the 7 chapter

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Trigger warning: language, blood.
(Kayden pov)
Jeff came back after a while. "Where did you go?" Masky asked him. "Somewhere. Don't need to tell you." He said. I wonder where he went. Masky just nods. Masky obviously knows where Jeff went. "Where did you go Jeff?" I ask him when it was time for me to go to bed. "No where. I just needed to think. It's fine." He is lying. He won't look me in the eyes. "Ok." I say and try to sleep.

(Jeff pov)
I didn't tell Kayden where I went, because I didn't want her to go to my old house. The bullies followed me there. Did they go in? I go pale (even more pale than I already am) and shake my head. They couldn't have. They turned around and went home. I need to sleep.
                    +Ze time skip+
When I wake up Kayden is gone. I get up and walk out of the room. When I get downstairs I see the bullies talking to Kayden and they run out of the mansion. Kayden slowly follows them, as if she doesn't want to go. I decide to follow them to see where they are going. If I don't watch them who will? Everyone. That's who will watch them. I walk a little ways behind them. They then get to a house. My house.

(Kayden pov.... Again.)
This place is the only house around for miles. Well, other than my old house. Before we go inside we here something behind us. We turn to see Jeff. "What are you guys doing?" He says. "James, Carter and Janet want to show me this place. Why?" He looks down. "You guys need to get out, now."  "Why? It's a old house. No one lives here." Janet says to him. He looks at us with a angry expression. "Let's go guys." I say. They look at me. "Are you just going to listen to him?" James says. Jeff is probably going to be angry if I go into the house. "Yes. I'm going with Jeff." I start to walk with Jeff. I turn to see them frozen in place. "Come on." I say. "Hey, Jeff? Why don't you want us in the house?" Carter asks. "We should just go and forget this." I say, trying to avoid a argument, or worse. "Are you hiding something?" Jeff stops. What is in the house? "Go home." Jeff says. "We want to know what is in the house!" James says. "Shut the hell up!" Jeff snaps. I don't know what to do. So I give him a hug and take the knife out of his hand.

(James pov)
Kayden gives Jeff a hug. I don't know why. I didn't think anything about it, except for the fact that it was random. Then kayden let's go. And she has a bloody hand. She lets go of the knife in her hand and shows us a big cut. Jeff's eyes go wide. "Kayden, you know that's a risky move. You could have cut your hand deeper." He says and guides us to the mansion. "At least I saved your streak." Kayden mutters. What streak? "Next time, just go get someone old enough to stop me." Jeff says. He is holding Kayden's bloody hand as they walk.
                     +Ze time skip+
Jeff bandages Kayden's hand as me janet and Carter sit on the couch. The woman walks in and looks at us. "What happened to kayden?" The woman says. "She cut her hand grabbing a knife." I say. The woman rolls her eyes. "She hangs out with Jeff too much." And with that, she walks away.

(Jeff pov)
Kayden is awfully quiet. I finish bandaging her hand and I let it go. "There. All done." I say. "What is in the house?" I look down. "It's not important." "Is that where you were yesterday?" She asks. She glares at me. Then she runs out of the room. "Damn it."I say. I run after her as her and her bullies run into the woods. After a while I realize that I lost them. And that I'm lost myself.

(Kayden pov)
We get to the house and go inside. Blood is everywhere. "Oh my-" "told you." Janet says. Everything makes sense. This is Jeff's house. I pick up a picture. The faces are scratched out on the parents and one of the kids. The other just has a big smile on his face. That's Jeff. Tears roll down my face as I look at the other pictures. "Kayden, come in this room." James said. I walk to him and see writing on the wall. "You will pay? Who will?" I say. We hear something fall. We run into one of the rooms to see Janet on the floor. "What happened?" Carter asks. "I just fell." I look at the ground. "I need to get home." I say. They nod and we go back to the mansion.

833 words. Hope you liked it! The video does not belong to me. Anyway, make sure you check out my other stories. THIS IS MY AU. Hope you have a good day or night!
-Ze tortoise 🙃

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