braylyn's POV

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Braylyn's POV:

After a long 6 hour car ride to somewhere called, diagonally, which was apparently in london(who knew?), we went around to the many shops, and picked up all the things i needed for school. the first shop we went to was called "olivanders wandshop" uncle jack went in first, and at first i was a little hasitant, but after a minute of thinking it over i finally went in. we met the odd man named olivander and he said "Braylyn stone i pressume. i was wondering when you'd show up." then continued, "well than lets get you a wand shall we?" as i stood in ashonishment at how he new my name before i had uttered a single word, the man anamed olivander walked to the back and then came back with a small rectangular box. he set it down and said, "well go on then! give it a wave!" and so i did as i was told and gave it a wave. when i did wind over came my brunette hair and ther was a sence if belonging as gold pixie dust looking stuff came out of the end. "wow i really am getting quite good at picking the wand first try!" he said with excitment in his voice "the wand in your hand is a 10¾" long, made of vine wood, and possesses a dragon heart string core." and i replied, "if you wouldnt mind me asking how did you know what kind of wand would work for me?" " oh, i didnt choose the wand. the wand chooses the witch." and with that we left the establishment. i then looked back at the list of needed supplies and we desided to get my uniform next. so we went into, Madam Malkin's Robes and picked up everthing i needed for my uniforms. when we where done in there we traveled to, Flourish and blotts, to pick up my books. When we turned the cornner to leave i ran straight into a boy with brunette hair almost as dark and mine and, blushed. we talked for a litte bit and relized we where in the same year, he asked about my bruise and cut,but i told him i had gotten into an muggle car accident,which of course was a lie. he was nice and understanding, and he had the kind of personality, where you became the best of friends easily. We clicked instantly, and desided that we would sit on the train together. we then relised the time and parted ways.

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