"Guys stop!" I grumbled at them, "You're breaking the noodles!!" I smacked Cooper on the arm before shoving myself between the two boys and making them separate from each other. Things go smoothly for another ten minutes or so before we hear a bunch of laughing from upstairs, making us all stop in our tracks. Just as I was about to switch tabs on the computer to see what made them laugh, we hear a chorus of "YOU'RE BREAKING THE NOODLES!" from the floor above us, making the boys laugh and my face turn red. Someone must have clipped that and sent it to the other stream. Before long the rest of the group comes downstairs aside from Schlatt, Noah and Ted, who must be winning so far. I do a brief demo of how to make the noodles before I set everyone into groups and get them started.

I stand back and watch, making sure that no one messes up too bad. Before long, Ted comes down the stairs and yells something about being the noodle making king before joining me in watching over the assembly line. He takes his job much more seriously than I do, and threatens to fire Carson multiple times as one of his sleeves keeps falling down while he's kneading the dough.

Eventually we hear some victorious yelling from Schlatt upstairs and all of my noodle-making helpers go back upstairs for the next round. I clean up as they leave, noticing that Carson had somehow dropped an entire egg on the counter and no one else had noticed. I look back and forth between the egg and the camera, hoping that someone would clip my reaction and send it to the group upstairs so Carson would know I was disappointed with him.

Once the space is clean again, I continue to make noodles, considering that even though I had so many helpers, they only managed to make a pile that was big enough for one serving. I'm able to make double that amount in the next ten minutes, before Charlie came down the stairs and joined me in the kitchen, grabbing matching aprons from somewhere in the pantry and forcing me to wear one with him as we continued to make noodles.

"No offence to Josh, Cooper and Travis, but you're better at this than all of them combined." I tell him with a laugh, making him laugh along with me and place a hand over his heart dramatically.

"No surprise." He says simply before laughing again and continuing with the noodle-chopping. We're able to get the noodles all done within around twenty minutes and just as we're going to start on seasoning and chopping up some chicken, Noah walks down the stairs with his head hung low.

"Oh god, what was it Noah?" Charlie asks, putting down the chicken breast he was holding to console his friend. The chicken makes a meaty slapping sound on the cutting board, breaking our somber act and making us all laugh. Noah shakes his head before joining us at the counter and narrating the chat for us. Before long, I get a donation and the text-to-speech function reads it out loud for us

"I clipped the egg. Go watch the other stream." Is all the donation says. Both boys look really confused but I rush over to the computer and switch tabs to watch the stream upstairs. They're currently on a clip of a dog making stupid noises, but I see the name of the next video in the queue and gesture for Charlie and Noah to come watch the stream as well. Just as they do, the video of me looking between the broken egg on the counter and the camera starts playing, and someone put the big blocky meme text over it that says 'Carson, she knows about- about the egg.' It's not necessarily funny, but Carson's face turns bright red and everyone turns to stare at him. Carson awkwardly rubs the back of his neck before looking into the camera.

"Sorry, Y/N. It slipped." He says all bashfully, not being able to help but laugh, making Schlatt laugh as well just because of how angry I looked in the video. I tab out of the stream as the two of them start to make their way down the stairs and join us in the kitchen. We pretend that we didn't see anything from the stream and continue on with our cooking, greeting the newcomers as they join us by the counter. I have Carson and Noah narrate a chat while Charlie, Schlatt and I prepare an ungodly amount of chicken. These boys can eat a whole lot, so we got three or four chicken breasts in preparation. I throw the noodles in the oven for a little bit too so we don't have to worry about them anymore. It had been about an hour and the food would probably only take another half hour to be ready to eat.

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