II - Roommates

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Ben's p.o.v

I was annoyed by Winston coming late. Again. As always. We sat down to talk about which roommate you want in the hotels. "I choose Ben." Winston said. "Alright" I said. I looked at Ted who was looking sad at the table. He's probably sad to hear that Winston doesn't want to sleep with him in the same room.

Ted's p.o.v

You see. He doesn't want to be with me in the same room. I don't get it. What have I done to him? I went into my bunk. I cried quietly. I just wanted to be with my best friend.

Winston's p.o.v

We arrived at the hotel at 5 o'clock. Everyone was very hungry so we went to the town and ate some pizza at a pizzeria.
When we were back at the hotel we stand in the lobby. We were talking with each other. "I'm going to bed. I'm sorry, I'm so fucking tired" Marcus said. "Okay, goodnight" I said. "Yeah me too." Ben said with a yawn. Marcus walked away and Ben followed him.

It was only Ted and I now. I looked at my feet. "What's up?" Ted said. "Nothing.." i mumbled. "Winston im worried about you. You're acting weird and you can't even look me in the eye or be with me in the same room. What happened? What's the problem mate?" Ted said. I felt my heart racing in my chest. "I..Im.." i said not knowing what to say. "please win, you're my best friend. You can talk to me." ted said calmly.

I don't know what happened but i lost control. I began to ran away. I ranned out of the hotel and ran until i was out of breath. I stopped. I looked around and it was all dark. I was in shock from what i did. I ran away while Ted was trying to help me. "you dickhead" i mumbled to myself. I let out a sigh and started walking to the beach i saw at the end of the street.

I needed some alone time now. Im fucking in love with this gorgeous man with those beautiful ocean eyes and the most beautiful smile I've ever seen and i can't do anything about it. Why does it feels so fucked up to be in love. He will never love me this way. We're just mates in his eyes.

I sat on a rock, staring at the stars. After a while, i took my notebook out of my pocket and began to write. The only thing that helps right now.

Ted's p.o.v

He ran away. He did it again. Im trying to help him. Every time im trying to help him, he runs away. Or he walks away and i really don't know what to do anymore. Am i doing something wrong? I don't know but it hurts. Every time he walks away or he runs away, my heart is acing. What's his problem.

I stood there for a while, in silence. A while later i went to my room. I walked in and Marcus was already asleep, snoring softly. I took a shower and went to bed. I stared at the ceiling and felt a tear in the corner of my eye. I sighed and fel asleep after a while.

Im sorry for the short chapters. I promise the next one will be a longer one! I hope y'all enjoy my fanfic. This is my first one so i hope its a good one! :)

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