2. Welcome to Hogwarts Subakuno!

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"Normal speech"
Actions, description, etc.
Thoughts, flashbacks/memories
"Non-understandable language"
"Shukaku's speech"
Author's speech

Gaara opened his eyes and found himself in his mind. For a worrying moment, he thought he must've accidentally fallen asleep until he recalled what had happened before.


There was a man. He was wearing the Suna headband with a slash - Gaara didn't recall much people leaving Sunagakure - and approached the "Ultimate Weapon" of the Sand or whatever. He hesitated as he saw the boy's eyes meet his. The eerie emotionless eyes stared blankly at him. Shukaku stirred, "KILL HIM" he screamed, but his host firmly disagreed. Gaara was no longer the twisted killer he was, although... if would feel good to see this stupid idiot squeezed with his sand and his blood leaking fro- no.

Gaara would not kill this man, no matter whatever he intended to do. Perhaps he was there to kill him, which would make an excuse for Gaara to kill the man. No, Gaara thought, I will not kill this man, whatever he is here for.

The man smirked. "I say you and your father's stupid village pay for what you did to my family, home and friends." Gaara stared at the man, he had never bothered to keep track of people who had lost their friends and family to his sand before, and he didn't care even now. "But now, I joined another organization to take Suna down. But first... we need to get you out of the way. You will come in use later so for now, you'll be going behind bars of our hideout."

An organization or missing-nin? Gaara thought, the only one he ad known of before was something called the "Akatsuki" or something. Although they only took in the S-rank missing-nin. This man probably was not so powerful. Gaara had not overestimated the man, for if they were to battle, Gaara would have him dead in 15 seconds. But the man had a special technique. He had done some kind of hand sign and within moments Gaara was gone into pitch darkness.


And that was basically all Gaara remembered.

Gaara had somehow forgotten that the demon tanuki next to him was screaming at him. Which was a bad thing, since Shukaku would probably scream at him even louder. At least when Gaara lost consciousness, unlike when he fell asleep, Shukaku could not take control. He wondered when he was going to wake up.

Gaara decided to try to talk to Shukaku, since that was the only thing to do right now. Which was not the best idea since Shukaku would probably talk about genocide and all that stuff. Which was, in fact, what he was screaming about now. Gaara sighed and decided to just wait.

Soon, his eyelids opened and Gaara found himself face-to-face with a boy wearing circular glassed (which reminded him of that Sound village nin called Kabuto?), emerald green eyes, messy black hair and some kind of lightning bolt scar on his forehead. Gaara's first reaction would be to drown whoever this was in sand.

Instead, Gaara looked around. He had ended up in a bed somewhere that looked like it was some kind of hospital. Definitely wasn't Suna's hospital since even though Gaara himself had never needed to together, there was plenty of times Kankuro accidentally said an insult or something and got one of his limbs crushed.

The other boy said something in another language that Gaara didn't understand. Although it sounded like a question. Perhaps asking for his name? Maybe he should think of it that way, so he responded with "My name is Subaku no Gaara," The glasses person frowned, not understanding what Gaara had said either.

Soon, an old man walked into the room. He also said something to Gaara and Gaara tilted his head signaling he didn't understand their language. The man nodded understandably and held up this stick thing and pointed it at Gaara. For a second, Gaara thought he was about to throw it at him in an attempt to kill him until he realized the tip of it was rather dull. The man muttered something and a slight light flashed.

"You should be able to understand our language now. I just used a auto-translation spell so whatever you say will be in our language and you can understand it as well." The old man said. Gaara tilted his head at the word "spell". 

"Is he a muggle? He seems to not know what a spell is." The other boy asked.

"Questions are for later Harry, lets get to introductions. My name is Albus Dumbledore although most people prefer to call be Dumbledore, Professor Dumbledore or Headmaster Dumbledore. This boy here is Harry Potter."

Gaara nodded. Weird names. He had never heard of the Dumbledore Clan or Potter Clan and most people in his village didn't have surnames. "My name is Subaku no Gaara, I'm..." He wondered what to say. 'The host of the tanuki demon', 'Human weapon of Suna' or 'Mass murderer vessel of Shukaku' didn't exactly work. So he stuck with "a shinobi of Sunagakure. Where am I?"

"Hogwarts," the 'Harry' guy answered.

"Hog-what?" Gaara asked.

"Well. Its Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." he older man answered. Witchcraft and wizardry? Gaara has never heard of this Hogwarts place before.

"Welcome to Hogwarts Subakuno!"

Welp I think that was a bit longer than the last chapter so yay. I think Gaara is going to be pissed ha ha. Subakuno... lmao. Well anyways, leave a comment for suggestions or just... comments. Constructive criticism only please!


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