Chapter 1

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Naomi's pov

"NAOMI" Hanna yells as she enters our apartment.
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT HANNA IM FINISHING A PROJECT FOR SCHOOL" I yell at her annoyed and stressed out. she enters my room with the biggest grin I have ever seen.
"I won 2 tickets for 5sos concert with backstage passes!" I dropped everything I was doing and looked at her with a giant grin
"OH MY SPAGHETTI" I started jumping up and down and couldn't contain my excitement.                                  "When is the concert?" i asked. "This Friday" She said. It was wednesday and i hugged her and screamed. i was way to excited for this. But hey Ashton is one sexy dude. I should probably introduce my self. Im Naomi Christine Monroe im 18 I have long red hair brown eyes not the smallest body as i could have but who cares im not a barbie doll.

Hanna's pov

"hey caller you have just one 2 tickets and backsage passes to se 5sos this friday" did i hear her correctly. Am i going mental? " Omg thank you so much its a dream come true" my co-worker Grace looked at me funny and went back to folding t-shirts on the counter. Im Hanna obviously and i am the biggest 5sos in the planet along with my roomate Naomi. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees these beautiful babies. Im Asian IM NOT CHINESE! i have long black hair and im skinny for my age (18). I have 10 minutes before i leave work so i finish putting up boxes and get ready to leave.

Naomi's pov 

I put the finishing touches on my project for my history class. ME being a senior i still have to focus on school or my mom wont let me hear the end of it. I walk in the living room of our apartment and turn the tv on i see the EllenShow was on and turned it on. I love Ellen. and her guests for this episode was none the less 5sos. "HANNA GET YOUR SKINNY ARSE IN HERE RIGHT NOW" she comes running in with her shirt on backwards. I laughed. "What do you want Naomi im changing my clothes?" "Look on the tv" She looks and her eyes widen and jumps on the couch and we listen. 

"So boys who is single and who is not?" Luke is the first to speak up " Single" Hanna jumps in excitement and screams "I HAVE A CHANCE" Micheal and Calum say " Single-Pringles" Ashton speaks up lastly and says "Single' and blows a kiss to the camera. I scream " HELLLL YEESS" and we fangirl for the rest of the night.

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