What is wrong with you, Malfoy

Start from the beginning

This small argument slowly grew into a full out brawl, filled to the brim with threats, screaming, yelling, and glares that could kill. After what felt like hours of fighting, they both calmed down slightly.

The two feeling quite contempt with glaring at the other until they backed down.

That would not come so easily.

Hermione took a deep breath before whispering,


Draco stood there, waiting for her next line.

“Why are you like this? What is wrong with you, Malfoy?!”

Those few, simple words seemed to cut him like a knife, he felt his anger bubble to the surface once again.


he began to laugh,

“I’m not the only one yelling, filthy mudblood! Need I remind you that you were screaming at me! And to answer your question, sorry that I have to be so terrible!! I would bet gallions that you haven’t suffered as much as I have! Let me ask you this, have you ever been beaten by a family member. Have you ever watched your mother be smacked continuously because of something you did?! No, I can guarantee that you haven’t!!”

He was panting now, his veins were gushing with adrenaline.

Hermione was stunned, and he liked it.

It was at that moment that he realized what he had just said, he could feel all the color drain from his face.

He cupped his mouth with his hands, he couldn’t believe it. He just revealed his childhood trauma… to Hermione!!!

She walked forward, grabbing his arm,

“Malfoy- Draco. Were you abused as a child?”

He brushed her hand off and slumped against the tree, sliding down. The bark scratched at the back of his head, but he didnt care.

She sat down next to him, still surprised at the news of Draco Malfoy’s wicked childhood.

It took Draco a second before he smiled softly, and told one of his favorite stories.

The one that made his life worth living.

The one where he met Hermione.


It was summer time, a great time of year to be playing in the sun.

That’s what small Draco Malfoy had wanted to do since he was able to walk.

Play in the sun.

This was not allowed of course, you couldn’t have the famous Malfoy son getting dirty and ruining the Malfoy name.

The fact was sad, but he was used to it.

Wasn’t expecting to be outside any time soon, but little did he know that he would be outside for a very long time that day.

What is wrong with you, Malfoy?!?!Where stories live. Discover now