Chapter Two

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I shot up, gasping.

"It was just a dream." I whispered to myself, exhaling in relief. I looked over and saw Foxy facing the nursery window. It was raining outside; the clouds creating a think and heavy blanket over the stars and moon. I got out of the hospital bed and stood up. I tried to let my eyes adjust to the darkness but nothing happened. I put my hands in front of me and started walking towards the bathroom. I didn't risk lifting my feet off the floor, I could tell that my eyes were wide and I felt my palms touch a wall. I moved to the side and I almost fell forward. I turned on the light and shut the door behind me. I rubbed my eyes but felt fur. My eyes shot open and I saw Foxy. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. I started pulling at the fur, examining my body in the mirror. I touched my new tail and slid my hands down my stomach; feeling softer fur.

I was in Foxy's body. I heard my phone start to ring 'Hurt' by Get Scared and I flung the bathroom door open, running across the cold floor to get my phone.

"Hello?!" I whisper- yelled. I walked back to the bathroom and locked the door. It was Icess.

"Why so grumpy?" She asked. I could feel the excitement in her voice.

"You're never going to believe this." I told her, looking at my arms and legs.

"Try me." She said. I imagined her with her hands on her hips.

"I'm in Foxy's body." I said, taking a deep breath afterwards. The line went silent.

"I believe you. Its the Morgan inside you, she did this to you. Foxy's in your body and you're in his." She explains. I was the one who taught her all this stuff and yet she figured out why this happened. It amazed me how much my sister could remember. I went silent and then I heard Icess gasp.

"Your babies are gong to have Morgan in them!" She practically yelled into the phone. My mind automatically went blank.

"Come again?" I asked. 

"Morgan possessed you, if she doesn't leave you body when you have Zoe and the other baby, parts of Morgan's soul with be with the babies'. Once she's in their soul, she cant leave." Icess talked slow, letting my brain process every word that left her mouth. I held my stomch, feeling the soft fur again. I couldn't feel the babies. But, then again, I wasn't in my own body.

"You're holding your stomach, aren't you?" Icess asked. I could hear the concern in he voice as she tried to hide it.

"Yeah." I simply said.

"And wondering why you can't feel the babies hearbeat?" She said again.

"I was, but I know why." I said. 

"The baby kicked." I said. A felt a smile appear on my lips.

"What? How?" Icess asked. I never told her? Oops.

"In the case we have right now, I can still feel when the babies kick. It's only slightly, but Foxy will feel the kick more then I will." I explained. I rubbed my stomach and smiled to myself. 

"Hey, why are you calling me so early in the morning?" I asked. 

"What? It's not early. It's like, almost ten." I could imagine Icess cheacking her watch with her phone inbetween her cheek and her shoulder. I took my phone away from my cheek and looked at the time. 

"Oh, wow. It was pitch back in the nursery when I woke up, I almsot fell into the bathroom." I said, putting my phone back up to my mouth.

"Where are you right now?" She asked.

"In the bathroom. I didn't want to wake Foxy. My ring-tone was on full blast and I literally had to run to shut my phone up." I laughed at my actions and I could imagine a smile playing on my sisters lips.

"Oh yeah, you have a rock song for your ring-tone, huh?" She asked.

"Yeah." I simply said.

"Hey, I'm gonna go wake up Foxy and explain everything that apperently happened over night. We'll be over in a little bit." I said to her. We said our goodbye's and I hung up the phone. I tried to plan what I was going to say to Foxy but it wouldn't matter, by the time he would wake up, everthing would slip my mind. I went to slide my phone in my back pocket when my phone hit the floor with a loud thud.

"I wish I was in my own body." I said to myself. I had went to bed in jeans and a T-shirt, but I woke up wearing fur. I picked up my phone and stood back up, noticing something. I didn't even have my own voice! That sucks! I'm a vampire stuck in a foxes body and I don't even have my own voice? Really? Would it be so wrng for me to have my own voice? I guess so. I heard three, heavy knocks at the bathroom door. 

"We have a problem." I heard my voice and knew it was Foxy behind the closed door. I rolled my eyes and flung the door open.

"Really? I didn't notice." I filled my voice to the brim with sarcasm and hoped Foxy would notice it.

"How did this happen?" He asked. I walked to the hospital bed and sat down, Foxy taking a free space next to me.

"Guurahk." I simply said. I felt tears start to burn my eyes at the memory of the dream I woke up from. 

"And to make matters worse." I didn't even have to finish my sentence for him to know the worst part. An ability I had was to read minds, only if peoples thoughts were screaming at me, which they often did. Since Foxy was in my body, he had all the abilities that I used to have.

"What about the dream you had?" He asked me. I lowered my head, the floor becoming interesting at the last moment. Foxy took my hand in his and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I dreamt that Eistyn had killed you, and Zoe. The un-known baby died first, being overwhelmed by pain that Eistyn gave her. You were next. You put up a fight, but you couldn't do it anymore. Zoe was last. She used pain against Eistyn but he did something to her." I stopped talking and continued to look at the floor.

"What did he do to her?" Foxy asked. A defensive tone to his voice. I couldn't look up and I didn't want to.

"What did he do to her?" His voice rose up, and his head bent down by mine. I could tell that he was already annoyed with my body; my hair falling in his face all the time. I looked at him and a tear fell from my eye.

"I don't know." I said quietly.

"Winter." He said almost warningly.

"My head was down, I didn't look up until I heard her scream." I looked down again and let more tears fall from my eye to the fur on my cheeks.

"Winter." He repeated with his voice changed. His voice (it was really my voice) was full with sorrow and hurt.

"When I looked up, I saw her laying on her sister, looking defeated." I looked up at Foxy and saw that he was on the verge of crying with me.

"What if this really happens?" I completely broke down. Foxy pulled me into a hug and I buried my face in his (my) shoulder. I never knew that the crook of my neck was so comfortable.

"It will never happen, he's dead. Where were you in the dream?" He asked, rubbing small circles on my back.

"I was chained to a wall with silver cuffs." I said, my voice barley audible.

"Let me see your wrists." We both pulled away and looked at each other before laughing.

"You're in my body, if you want to see my wrists then look at them." I said, wiping a tear from my eye before it had the chance to fall. He looked at his (my) wrists. I looked at them to and my jaw dropped in awe.

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