wait, why am i telling you this💀

y/n has added 'omi?' to contacts!

y/n has added 'omi?' to contacts!

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tbh idk but you knowwwww

just try harder next time, you could do it.

it might be a little hard,
but you could always retake it, right?

i mean

i guess so

have we talked before?

on few occasions

can you tell me your name?

i did

my name is omi 😐

no one in their right mind
names their child "omi"

what the fuck

ok then u don't
deserve to know
my real name then

ouch 💔💔💔💔

but don't worry, i'm not
like a creep or anything.

hmmm AIGHT

what highschool do you go to?

oh wait— you just saw me

you go to itachiyama then

yeah i do

ahhh, i probably know you then

that's what i literally
just said smartass

but we don't talk a lot, though

oh my god, i sound like such a stalker 💀.

well i gotta go, i have to shower

just wanted to tell you if you
have anything that's bothering
you, you can talk to me


but it's midnight?

and thanks, i guess
read 00:07

"how odd?" you said out loud. "do i know an omi?" your eyes searched around your bedroom for a way to figure out this 'omi' person. no one can really come into your mind since your only close friend was komori.

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