Your hand moves from your mouth to your ears. "Oh god, did you really say that to an older woman Zico?! I know you're a pervert but to THAT extent?"

"Are you a sugar baby Zico? I'm not going to judge you for your after school activities but..." Konoha raises an eyebrow when he looks over at Zico's redden face. "Do you even need the money Zico? Your parents give you an allowance and they'll get you whatever you want within reason." You lower your hands from your ears when you ask him.

He bites his bottom lip, inhaling deeply before answering any questions. "The woman you all saw...she's a frequent customer of mine."

"C-Customer?" Konoha and you speak in unison. Akaashi leans forward, the topic piquing his interest. Zico nods his head, taking his phone out of his pocket to show the three of you an app. The three of you stare at a profile with Zico's face and information listed.

'In need of company? I can be whoever you want for the day. Brother, cousin, boyfriend, friend, etc. I'm at your service.'

Your face flushes and you look away from his phone. Covering your face, you speak into your palms. "So, people rent you? When...when did you decide to do something like this Zico?" Konoha quietly chuckles under his breath, not uttering a word. Akaashi also stays quiet, a small smile forms on his face as he tries to not laugh. He tries to hide his expression by covering his mouth with his hand.

"HEY! DON'T LAUGH AT ME YOU TWO." Zico gets defensive and places his phone back into his pocket. "I only do this to kill time when I have nothing else to do. There's a few perks to this."

"Are there limits too? You haven' haven't had sex with anyone right?" You blurt out the question everyone's thinking. The others blush from your question.

"No! That's stepping over the terms and conditions." Zico stammers out, he flicks your forehead.

"But kissing isn't?!" You rub your forehead, grumbling out to Zico.

"So...this is what you're up to when you're not hanging out with us Zico." Konoha slowly nods his head, a smirk on his face. "Shut up." Zico closes his eyes as he blurts out. "Is there anything you're hiding from us Akaashi?" Konoha eyes Akaashi curiously. The blush disappears from Akaashi's face and he shakes his head. "Not at all."

"You sure? You haven't noticed the slight change in you ever since yesterday?" Konoha tries to stir Akaashi up. "Like your anger? How you're suddenly just letting it loose?" Zico and you turn to look at Akaashi. He's been a bit more expressive around you since yesterday. But he still hides them from others like Zico. "What do you mean by that Konoha?" You softly speak up.

"This dick tried to hit me yesterday." Konoha grunts out, pointing at Akaashi. "He also gave Zico a death glare earlier for touching you. I think Akaashi is secretly possessive."

You wear a worried look when you think about Akaashi attempting to hit Konoha. A faint memory tugs at you when he also attempted to hit the third year senior, Sakura. Maybe after all these years of being composed, his anger had no where to go.

But...what could explain the possessive part?

Akaashi grows quiet from Konoha's observation. He leans back on the sofa and slides his hands into his jean pockets. Mixed emotions swirl inside his chest as he thinks about Konoha's words. He's always composed in any situation, unless Y/N is in the picture. She pulled emotions he didn't know he had out of him.

He bites his inner cheek and flicks his eyes over to Y/N. "Just don't touch what's mine."

Your heart pounds against your chest when you look at Akaashi. A heat crawls onto your face and you're too shy to keep your eyes on him. The other two feel awkward hearing Akaashi say something so cheesy with such a stern tone.

"I fear for you Y/N." Zico whispers under his breath. "W-What do you mean." You utter out in a squeak. "I rather not say. It's perverted." Zico chuckles out. Akaashi overhears Zico and lowers his eyes, the tip of his ears turning red. Konoha feels a bit jealous after hearing Akaashi say something so cool. The way Y/N flustered over Akaashi made his heart ache. 

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now