Our Secret Aftermath 2 Part 13

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"My problem is that you're gonna get us caught you idiot," she retorted. Rolling his eyes John B looked at JJ who'd just come through the back door, "What's she on about?" he asked.

"She is standing right here, you jackass," Coralina answered. "I know but I'd rather not deal with your screeching," John B replied, taking a drink from his beer.

Coughing to cover his laugh JJ shook his head, "On that note I'm gonna get out of the way," he muttered heading for the kitchen.

"You are such a dick," Coral told her brother, throwing her bookbag at him. Dodging the bag John B laughed, "What is your problem?"

"You!" she half yelled, "Principal Adams stopped me on the way out of school. She wanted me to tell Uncle T to call her because she's made several attempts to reach him that have been unsuccessful," she told him, "We're on her radar because of you and we're gonna get caught because of you," she said, glaring at her brother.

"Relax, I'll text Uncle T to call the stupid school not a big deal," John B told her, "And if it becomes one I'll deal with it."

"You'll deal with it?" she questioned, "You can't lie worth shit, JB," she said rolling her eyes. "Well then I'll send you and JJ in since you two are so damn good at lying," he retorted.

Sighing Coral shook her head, "Get the fuck over yourself JB and quit punishing your best friend. He doesn't deserve your silent treatment," she told him, before turning on her heel and disappearing down the hall to her bedroom.

After picking through her closet Coral found an outfit for the party that one of their friends from school was having that night. Throwing it on the bed she headed for the bathroom to get a shower.

Wrapped in a towel she headed back to her room after her shower to find JJ lounging on her bed, drinking a beer. Closing and locking her bedroom door Coral smiled as she dropped her towel. "God you're fucking gorgeous," JJ muttered as he watched her sift through her underwear drawer.

Glancing over her shoulder Coral bit her lip, "You're kind of hot yourself," she replied before pulling out a pair of red thongs. "What do you think of these?" she asked, holding them up. "I think I'm gonna have a good time tearing them off of you later," he responded.

Humming Coral shrugged, "Well then I may as well save you the trouble," she said, throwing them back towards her dresser before taking her skirt and putting it on without anything underneath.

"Baby, are you trying to kill me?" JJ choked out as she went searching for a bra. Laughing she shrugged, "If I kill you this outfit goes to waste," she replied, "And I so look forward to seeing how you use your free access," she told him, winking as she put her shirt on and topped it with a leather jacket.

 Laughing she shrugged, "If I kill you this outfit goes to waste," she replied, "And I so look forward to seeing how you use your free access," she told him, winking as she put her shirt on and topped it with a leather jacket

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"You could get on this bed with me and I'll show you right now," he invited patting the space next to him. "Nope, I'm hungry. You're taking me to dinner before we go to Olivia's," she told him.

"And where would my Baby Girl like to go?" he asked, climbing off the bed to follow her out to the living room. "Let's go to The Wreck. I texted Kie at lunch earlier and told her we'd pick her up there anyway," she answered.

"Hey, JB, we're gonna get something to eat and pick up Kie. Are you coming?" Coralina asked, as she dug her cell phone and some money out of her bag. "Kie's gonna be there?" John B asked.

Handing JJ her cell phone and money Coral swiped the keys for the van off the coffee table, "Yes, she said she'd help in the kitchen till we got there and then she's gonna hang out with us till we go to the party," she told him.

"Well alright I guess I need to eat more than cold pizza," he decided, standing from the couch. "So if Kie wasn't going to be there you weren't going to come?" she questioned.

Sighing, John B grabbed the keys out of her hand, "Look it's nothing against you two, but I don't want to be a guest on the JJ and Coral train. Since Kie will be there I'll have someone to talk to while you two are making eyes at one another," he replied, "Now let's go I'm hungry," he told them walking out the back door.

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