chapter two:

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K A V E N 

"- and I totally understand if you don't want to continue the date." Jesus, I'm rambling now. "Again, I apologize. If it makes you feel better, you can dump your water on me. You know, get your frustration out." 

Stop it, Kaven! Just shut up! 

I look towards my date, face flushing. Then my jaw drops. Because oh my God, my date is hot as hell. 

With auburn hair that hangs delicately over her blue eyes, a graceful figure, and red lips curled, my breath is taken away. 

"Kaven?" the girl asks. 

I cock my head to the side. Have we met before? How did she know my name? "Uh, yeah, that's my name," I stammer. 

Her lips purse. I feel like I've missed something huge. "Okay, whatever," she scoffs. "This date thing was a terrible idea but my friend just insisted I had to go." 


"Yeah. Anyways, I have to go. Bye, Kaven." 

"Wait, what's your name?" 

Her blue eyes flash. "Goodbye, Kaven. I'm Evie." 

Then she's gone. 

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