Everyday Has it's Lightning

Start from the beginning

Why can't things just go right for me? I thought to myself, bitterly. I spotted the first aid kit on the other side of Loki and mentally face palmed myself. Awesome. Just one more thing to add to the worst day of my life; the kit being on the other side of the man who kidnapped my older brother.

"Can you pass me the kit?" I whispered to him; he gave me an unreadable expression, but I detected that there was surprise behind the mask he had put up. Loki shrugged and leaned back.

Unaware of it, I had started poking his side. "Please? I really need it. Surely a villain like you needs help in fixing himself up?" I inquired, he shot me an annoyed glance, but it seemed like he was trying to hide another emotion, frustration maybe. Or was that... impressed? Loki grabbed the kit and held it in his hands. I reached for it, but he snatched it away, a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes as he did so. Oh, he was so not going there.

"What's your thing? Pilates?" Tony asked, being all smartass as I kept trying to get the first aid off of Loki, biting my lip from crying out in pain as the stretches pulled on my deep wound as he repeatedly snatched it away again, far out of my reach. In most cases, wounds like the one I had would have had many people struggling to keep awake from the loss of blood- not me though, never me; I was too far stubborn for that. Distantly, I heard Steve say.


"It's like calisthenics. Basically gymnastics" I answered, finally getting the kit from Loki. Loki smirked mischievously as I hit him on his arm, annoyed. The way we were acting was like the playful banter that I had with my brother.


My smile that was fighting to appear on my face disappeared, leaving me to open the kit and fix my wound myself.

Loki watched with an unreadable look, hiding whatever thoughts and emotions he had behind a mask. I completely disregarded him, feeling guilty that I had just fell right into his trap to go after the kit as he had taunted me with it.

This is Clint's kidnapper! He's killed more than seventy-two people! Stay on task! My mind scorned me, making me feel even more guilty. How had I forgotten all of that? Maybe because Loki could be casting some kind of spell. Yeah, that made more sense.

"You might have missed a couple things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle." I scowled at that reference, annoyed on Captain's behalf.

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in." Steve said, tightly as he changed the subject.
"Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you." I piped up, not looking at either of them as my voice became hard with scorn. Their eyes wandered over to me, making me feel slightly uncomfortable with their attention. Especially since Tony was taking a look over my chest with an approving smirk. Bloody playboy.

Lightning suddenly thundered overhead: a storm was brewing. Frowning, I peered around.

"It wasn't forecasted for lightning" I muttered, puzzled.

"Where's this coming from?" Natasha asked aloud to no one in particular, though I had a sneaky suspicion that she thought it was me that was causing it; it wasn't. Beside me, Loki jolted and looked around with... fear? Was he afraid of thunderstorms or something? Hard to believe since he had taken down quite a lot of security guards and almost blew up this very helicopter. So, if it wasn't the weather itself... then what?

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve said harshly, watching Loki.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki answered, looking around. My face drained of its natural colour.

That can't be good

All of a sudden, a loud thud sounded from the top of the roof. Quick as a flash, I held my twin blades in both of my hands with my feet a width apart, ready to attack. Tony opened the hatch of the back end of the plane after slotting his mask on. Steve stood near me, looking just as ready as I was to defend our prisoner.

A man in weird armour landed on the loading hold, a huge hammer clutched in his hand. Stark held up his reactor in his hand to blast a shot, only for the strange man to throw the hammer at him, knocking him back into Steve. He turned to me as the hammer flew back into his hand.

Smirking, I whirled both blades expertly in my hands. Loki tried to make a dash for it just as the man pushed me back, I managed to cut the stranger deep. He grunted and took Loki out of the hold, flying him away. Blood spurt out of my wound, newly opened up as it soaked the bandages. Gritting my teeth, I sheathed my swords into its twin sheath on my back.

"Now there's that guy" Tony said, making me roll my eyes. I grabbed my gun from my rucksack and strapped it to my thigh in its holster.

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha called from the flight pit, I pulled on my black gloves and walked to the loading hold.

"Think the guy's a friendly?" Steve asked, shouting over the noise. I snorted, turning around to them all.

"Who cares? If he kills Loki, my brother is lost" I announced, Nat glanced at me with wide eyes.

"Katra Marianna Barton, don't you dare!" She ordered, sensing what I was about to do.
Grinning, I gave a two-fingered salute before stepping back then I fell down, once more.

The Second Born Curses- A Winterborn SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now