Cinderella and her squire

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"Not exactly." Akaashi blankly answers. "I didn't expect him to confess his feelings so openly either." He scrunches his nose, a tightness in his chest. "I'm sure you have nothing to worry about Akaashi. The Miss is very much attached to you." Pierre glances over at Akaashi, taking a left turn. Pierre's comment makes Akaashi shy. He grows silent and lowers his eyes to his lap.

"I'm not worried about her." Akaashi murmurs under his breath. "I have a feeling Konoha won't back down so easily." His hands turn into fists. He let his anger take him over at the parking garage earlier today. Who knows what will happen if he's blinded by anger again.

"Just don't do something that you'll regret Akaashi." Pierre comments.


Clenching your hands open and closed, you inhale deeply and step into the living room. Your parents are quietly sitting in their own armchairs. Father points to the sofa in front of him, quietly commanding you to sit down. Gulping, you lower your eyes and quickly sit down. The quicker you get this over with; the quicker you can leave.

"What Akaashi said it true?" Father speaks up.

"About..." You begin to speak up but your mother cuts you off. "So he's the one you like? I had a hunch. It's unlike you to bring anyone over that isn't Zico or Haru." She scoffs, flipping her hair behind her shoulder.

"If you just started dating today, it shouldn't be too hard for you to break things off." Father interjects. "I'm sure Akaashi should understand the basics of an arranged marriage."

"What?" Your brows furrow together when you stare at your father. He sips on his tea, flicking his eyes over to you. "This relationship you have is temporary. Konoha will still be the one you'll marry." Tilting your head, you stare at him in disbelief.

Are you hearing him correctly? That Konoha will be the one you have to marry despite not having feelings for him?

"Says who? I don't get anything out of this. You two are."

Mother scoffs, bringing your attention to her. "We give you a home to live in and food in your stomach. I've even given you my beloved jewelry for todays date. What more can you ask for?" Stiffening from her words, you clench your hands on the hem of your skirt.

Love, perhaps?

You've never felt an ounce of love from these two. Yet you do everything to please them. Feeling the corner of your eyes brim up with tears, you stand up. You start to take the jewelry off of you, placing it down on the coffee table. Mother and father both stare at you in silence.

"I'm not letting you two have your way. Not this time. My emotions are on the line and that's something I will fight for till the very end." You angrily yank the diamond necklace off of you, dropping it on the coffee table and eyeing your mother. "All I've ever wanted from the both of you is your love. I didn't care if you never gave me an allowance or forced me to take up a bunch of tedious hobbies."

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora