Gyllenholland Test (2)

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Jake unlocks the door to the flat and is confused to hear muffled sniffles and crying from his daughter's room. He tries to lay his keys and bag down gently, to try and sneak up on her and figure out what's wrong, but to no avail.


I hear him come in and quickly try to wipe my face before he comes in... but it's too late. "Hey sweetie, what's wrong?!" He comes up to the side of my bed and kneels beside it, my papers and laptop spread all across it.

"It's nothing pops," I mutter between sniffles. He gives me a look. "It's just school."

"MJ..." He grabs my hand, "School isn't meant to make you break down to the point of tears." I try to keep it together, I really do, but I just can't.

I choke out an "Are you sure?" before continuing my sob fest.

"Oh MJ..." Is all Jake mutters before sliding onto my bed and pulling my head into his chest.

I rarely showed any emotions dealing with the vulnerable side of me. Hell, one of my dad's was Spiderman and the other did plays all across the world. Always having a smile, even if it was forced, was a mentality in this kind of lifestyle.

By the time I had finished emptying the Niagara falls from my eyeballs, I finally lookup. Jake hasn't said a single word, and glancing at his shirt I realize that I've left two wet marks right on the middle of his chest.

"Papa I'm so sorry I know that shirt was expensive-"

He holds up his hand to stop me, "MJ it's fine. Not everyone can go on forever and not have a cry every once in a while, especially with," he motions his hand around us, gesturing at everything, "this. Plus," he starts to unbutton his shirt, I raise an eyebrow, but he continues and I finally realize what he's doing, "Pops! I don't want you stripping in the middle of my room!"

He looks down and laughs, muttering something like "worked for your father." (Insert mental gag.) "Anyways, I have a shirt underneath, and I wanted to take off my wet shirt," he pulls the sleeves off and balls in his lap, "and I needed to go to the dry cleaners anyway. Your father has a couple of shirts he needs to be pressed."

I knew it wasn't true, he was just saying that to make me feel better about it. It didn't work.

"But you need to talk to Tom about this MJ. He's gonna want to know."

I sit up, "Pops no! I'm not gonna worry dad over me crying over one math test."

Jake lifts my chin ever so slightly, just enough to see my puffy eyes. "By the looks of it, it's not the first time this has happened." My head drops, confirming his suspicions. "Now you can call him or I can. He's probably still at the set."

"It's probably better if you did it," I announce to my lap, "I'll get my stuff packed up."

"Sounds good." He pats me on the knee, kisses me on the forehead and pulls out his phone on the way out of the door.


Jake clicks on the contact "T.bae 💍" Tom's face on their wedding day lighting up the screen.

"Hullo love!"

"Hey, honey,"

"Something wrong?"

"Can you come home?"

"Now? Really babe?"

"Yeah. MJ's has had a rough couple of days and just had a good 15 minute cry into my chest."

"Are you joking?"

"Have I ever lied to you?"

"I'm telling the Russo's I'm leaving now. I'll be there in a pinch."

"Ok love you"

"Love you."


I heard Pops' entire conversation with Dad. Maybe it was on purpose, but Dad was home in 17 minutes. (Despite looking up the distance on GPS and finding that it was supposed to take 27. Dad said he hit all green lights and he was just lucky. Yeah right.) Running in the door he quickly drops his keys and bag. Right next to Pops'.

"MJ, love, are you alright what's wrong?"

I sigh, "It was just a test dad and I got overworked you didn't have to hurry home."

Tom pulls me closer into a hug and I wrap my arms around him. "MJ it's what a parent does. Your father and I love you so very much, and just because we didn't bring you to this world doesn't mean that we won't care for you as if we did."

"Thanks, Dad," I say pulling out of the hug, "I needed it."

He smiles at me, "Anytime love. Just promise me you'll tell me when you start to feel like this again?"

I manage a smile, "Promise."

"Okay then!" Pops says appearing from around the corner, buttoning up a new shirt from just changing. "Anyone hungry for dinner?"

"Way to kill the mood darling," Tom says laughing.

Jake only shrugs and kisses dad, "Nice to see you too, honey." He smiles, "I was thinking Rooster Run down the street."

"I'm down," Dad says, "MJ?"

"Fine with me," I say smiling.

"It's decided!" Pops cheers, looping his arm around Dad leading us to the front door and locking it.

We all hop into Dad's Audi and head off to dinner; the three of us jamming to the radio singing at the top of our lungs with not a care in the world.

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