"Thanks for that."

Nathan figures that if Jonathan isn't going to bring the weird tension up, he should. "Hey, you want a ride home? You look like you've got something on your mind. We'll take the usual road if you want?"

"Thanks, but... I'm going to take the bus today. I'm kind of gathering the courage to uh... to talk to my mom," he admits. "But it'd be nice if you walked me to the stop."

"Sure. You wanna pack things up and get going?"

Jonathan takes his time, packing his books up and putting them into his bag. He's quiet when he does so, and Nathan doesn't say anything either. He's not sure if there's any advice he can or should give Jonathan, and he feels a bit useless when they leave the library in silence.

It isn't until they're almost at the exit, walking through the mostly empty corridors that Jonathan says something. "Hey, when you told Jennie about... you know," he mumbles. "What did she say? Or you know, what happened?"

Nathan shrugs. "She was fine with it. Supportive. It kind of just happened," he says. "Breaking the news to her wasn't the issue. My dad is," he continues. "I still haven't told him. It's not exactly something you do over the phone."

"True," Jonathan says. "I just don't want there to be any... secrets between my mom and me. It's not that I'm lying to her about anything. I just don't like keeping her in the dark."

"I understand," Nathan says.

Jonathan nods. "I think it'll be for the best if I just do it. I just need to tell her and get it out of the way."

"Do you need me to..." Nathan isn't sure what he's offering, but Jonathan shakes his head.

"No. I want to do it by myself, and I want to do it when it's just us. That way, we can talk it through if we need to," he mumbles. "I'll text you when it's done."

Nathan smiles at him. "I'd appreciate that." He reaches out and gives Jonathan's hand a quick squeeze before letting it go again. "And good luck, or whatever you say when something like this is going on."

Jonathan smiles back at him. "Thank you. See you on the other side, I guess."


"You're absolutely cheating," Nathan chuckles.

"I'm not cheating. I can't help that you suck," Oliver mocks him.

Nathan laughs as he watches his character slump over and turn into dust on the screen before him. "Where are you? You know hiding is unfair. Come out and face me like a bro." He adjusts his headset as his character respawns.

The unsteady connection makes Oliver's voice sound crunchy with static. "If you wanna know where I am, you're just gonna have to find me."

They laugh and joke with one another as they play their game. Josh joins for a while before disappearing along with his character, texting Nathan and complaining about his internet coming and going as it pleases.

Nathan's just about to suggest they change games when his phone rings. He leans over to check the display. It's Jonathan that's calling. Nathan tells Oliver that he'll call him back in a bit before ending the online call to answer his phone.

After pulling the headset off and putting his controller down, he slides the green icon aside and presses the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hey," Jonathan sounds relieved. "What are you doing right now?"

"Right now?" Nathan asks, glancing back at his screen. "Nothing. Why?"

Jonathan clears his throat. "This is gonna sound worse than it is, but could I crash at your place for like a day or two?"

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