"Why, it's such a simple task. It's not like they have to travel a 3 days walk to deviler something like I have," Y/n wondered out loud.

"Three days walk?!" Riddle gasped.

"Oh back home. I'm a wandering merchant, so I've done a lot of traveling on foot," I explained, as Riddle opened the door to the library for me.

"You must be really physically capable to do stuff like that, but don't you have cars or magic teleporters?" Riddle asked curiously.

"Sadly, I'm afraid that my world isn't all that advanced or as excepting of magic. I don't even know what this Car you speak of is," I said, slightly embarrassed.


"What?" Riddle asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's not that odd is it?" Y/n asked.

"N-no, it just shows how capable you are, and a bit out of the times you are. Are you taking the classes okay?" He asked.

"For the most part, but the history is so different from my world. So it is a bit confusing for me," I explained.

"How is it different?" Riddle asked, slightly intrigued.

"I think that's a story for another time," Y/n said as she placed the books into the return bin.

"Well, then how about tomorrow. There is an Unbirthday celebration tomorrow, you can tell me about it then," Riddle said.

"Oh I was already aware of your celebration from Ace, I was going to help him apologize to you," Y/n stated.

"Oh, good, then see you tomorrow," Riddle said as he turned for the hall of mirrors.


"So you ready Ace?" Y/n asked her nervous friend.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Ace sighed as they stepped into the mirror.

As they group of friends made their way into maze they were treated by Cater and Trey, who lead them to unbirthday party at the center of the maze. Just in time for Riddle to make his appearance and grand entrance. As he inspected the decerations and looked over the party guest, his eyes soon meet Y/n's e/c eyes. With a calm smiled riddle nodded a simple and quiet hello as he passed. Y/n smiled gently in return as Riddle took a seat at the head of the venue.

"Knows your chance Ace," Cater nudged the freshmen.

"Alright.....umm Manager, Ace said nervesly.

"And you are?....Ah, your the freshmen that ate my tart," Riddle said simply.

"I wanted to apologize so I made you a tart," Ace smiled nervesly.

"Hmmm? what kind of tart is it if I may ask?" Riddle asked.

"I'm glad you asked! It's a marron tart!" Ace said proudly.

"What! A Marron tart! Unbelevable!" Riddle shouted, "Rule 562 "Never bring a marron tart to an unbirthday party," You just committed a serious violation. wait... How did you get my collar off!?"

The cherry Flower Witch (Twisted wonderland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now