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I’ve heard a saying, that “life is a surprise”. Call me a sceptic, but I generally scoff at lines that scream something that leaves us expecting so much.

My short love story may be short on words, but it’s a story that’s filled every thought and day of my existence with happiness.

I’m a guy, a 20 year old guy who works in a job she likes. A guy who hangs out with his friends when the sun goes down, and one who, when the story begins, is still single.

I’m single, not because I want to be single. I think it’s weird to be single. Or maybe that’s what all guys think.

I’m just a guy who’s been looking high and low for that girl who can make things happen inside me.

You know, your heart stops beating just for a second, your throat goes dry, you get gooseflesh, feel a bit dizzy, and the works.

I haven’t experienced that. Most of my friends haven’t experienced that too, but they’re all going out with someone. According to them, such things happen only when you’re suffering from a high temperature.

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