Love at First Sight

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I saw him for the first time as I held a teenage girl up by her throat. She was pleading for her life, but I couldn't even pay attention as I saw the glistening shine of his machete from across the lake. I gave the girl a halfhearted stab to the gut with my finger knives as the man holding the machete swiftly decapitated his victim.

He was beautiful. He was wearing a hockey mask, but I could tell that behind it was a face that told a thousand stories. I dropped the girl, and she slowly crawled away as she bled out. I knew she wouldn't make it to any hospital in time, but right now, it didn't even matter. I looked away from the dying girl to find that the mysterious man had vanished.

I walked closer to the lake, stepping onto the dock. I looked all around, but he was nowhere to be seen. Disappointed, I shuffled my feet toward the end of the dock. I sighed as I sat on the edge, staring at my gruesome reflection in the water.

Then, all of a sudden, a huge mountain of a man comes bursting out of the water. He grabs me and pulls me in with him. When we resurface, I give him a playful slash with my finger knives. In return, he flirtatiously stabs me in the stomach with his machete.

I grab his hand and pull him out of the water. As I step onto the shore, I trip over a rock and fall forward. The other man falls on top of me. I roll over, and his stone cold gaze catches mine as he props himself up above me.

"Who are you?" I finally ask the hulking stranger.

He doesn't physically say anything, but something in his dead, alluring eyes says, "My name is Jason, and I want to kill you. Not in a scary way, but in a hot, sexual way." I imagine he says it in a gruff voice, though I know he doesn't actually speak. But something about that makes him hotter.

"I'm Freddy," I tell him, even though he didn't ask. "What are you doing here?"

He doesn't answer, obviously, because he doesn't talk. But the worms surrounding his bloodshot eyes seem to ask me the same question.

"I made it out of the dream world," I say, entranced by his silent ways. "I wanted all the power, so I escaped to kill more people. But now that I'm in the real world, here you come along making me feel like I never left... Do you get it? 'Cause you make me feel like I'm living in a dream."

I can sense him grinning behind his mask, and I reach up slowly to remove it. He lets me, and he's even more gorgeous than I could have imagined. He smiles at me with coarse, chapped lips and decayed, rotten teeth, or at least the teeth he has left. I gently caress his cheek, and to my delight, it's the very texture I thought it would be. It's rough and bumpy and slimy all over. He's missing a nose, but I think he looks better without one.

I can't wait any longer, so I press my lips to his and feel his cold, dead tongue writhe against mine. He holds my scarred, soggy face in his hand as our bodies move against each other in harmony.

We continue to frolic for a while, killing whoever we come across. The way we work together, it's as if we'd known each other our whole lives. He teleports in front of the victim and picks them up by their neck. Then, he lets me say a one-liner before we take turns stabbing and gutting and brutally killing. It's magical.

Afterwards, he takes me to a hotel, the Crave Inn. I'll spare you the gory details, but let's just say no one would ever want to step into the hotel room we shared. By the time we were done, there wasn't a spot in there that wasn't drenched in blood. It was incredible. Not to mention that with Jason's help, we were able to kill every person there. That's more than I've killed in a week!

There's something about him that just... makes me better. I want to be a better killer... for him. I want to make him proud.

As we walk out of the hotel hand-in-hand, he takes me back to the camp. He silently tells me that he's taking me to meet his mom. And we only met today! I bet he doesn't take anyone else to see his mom, and I feel very happy about that.

If I could love anyone, I would love him. He's my better half, my one and only... he's my everything. And I know he feels the same. As the blood drips down from his fingers from holding onto my knives, he gives me a smile. And that smile tells me everything I need to know.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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