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Ok so what I'm going to talk about today is Winger, Summer, Aggro, Cutter and Burple! This question has been floating around in my mind for a while. How old are the dragons in the Rescue Riders? Before I start I should say... I have no idea if dragons mature differently then humans and I don't know if dragons have a thing like.. dogs years, basically you times how old they are with 7. So for example if your dog is 5 you would Times 5 times 7 and that's 35. (Correct me if my math is wrong) So your dog would be 35 in dog years. I don't know if there like dragon years? Or something so I'm just gonna have them as they mature the same as humans and we are going to do human years. Also I'm a girl so I don't really know how boys mature? I don't have any male siblings so I'm just kinda clueless about that. I don't really know how fast people and dragons matured in Viking time so... ALSO I want to say that I'm not trying to offend anyone. Everyone matures differently so Please don't be offended by how I think. Ok first is Aggro because I think I have more information on her then anyone else.


Ok so first I need to point out that in many episodes she says that she's 'just a kid'. So in my own opinion I think that kids rang from 4-9. Again this is just my opinion. (1 and under is a baby, 2 and 3 are toddlers, 4-9 is kids, 10-12 is a tween and 13-17 are teenagers. Then there's young adults and adults and seniors and stuff like that. BUT we don't need to get into that.) ok before we can continue we have to ask. Is Aggro full grown? So obviously Aggro is not full grown because we have seen Laburn and Cinda. (I'm spelling that right, right?) So she's not full grown and (in my opinion) I think that if your a teenager you don't grow lot more then you've all ready grown. And if we compare Aggro to Laburn and Cinda then Aggro still has A LOT of growing to do so she's not a teenager.

So now we need to find out if Laburn and Cinda are full grown? Ok so they have said that they are irresponsible before. So I'm gonna guess that there saying there irresponsible for their age. Now if there off on their own without a flock then I'm guessing that there teenagers and their personality screams teenagers to me. So if their irresponsible for there age I'm gonna guess their 15-17. Maybe. So assuming that they have already hit there growth spurt since there 15-17 then let's just say that there full grown.

Ok now that we know that. We can say that Aggro still needs to grow more. In the episode 'Hot, Hot, Hot' season 2, We know that Aggro molts, supporting that fact that she's still growing. Also when she molts If were being honest she doesn't get that much bigger. Only a bit. So we now know that she needs to molt A LOT more before she's full grown like Laburn and Cinda.

I don't know how long Fire-furies wait to molt until they they do it again. We don't really know how long it is to when she first joined in the episode 'where's there's smoke' to when the episode 'Hot, Hot, Hot'. We can't really be sure how much time has passed. So that's a dead end.

So now let's see how she mature she is. Now I know other people mature differently so we can't really rely on this to much. So we already now that Aggro is much more mature then Lubrun and Cinda. But we also know that in the episode 'Where's there's smoke' season 1. She says something referring that she's been alone a long time. If we think about this then she could have been forced to mature early then most in order to survive by herself. So again we can't really rely on this that much. Honestly I don't think she's a tween because she's still really little. (Hehe probably shouldn't have called her that...) I think she's a kid that's more mature then most. So she's 4-9. Now I definitely don't think she's as young as 4 so I think she's 8-10? Maybe, again this is all my own opinion. I could have just said she is a kid because she said it before but you know I'm just looking way to far into this.

So Aggro is 8-10 if were looking for exact her age I think she is 9. Though it all depends on how you look at things so what you think could be completely different from what I think but anyway let's get onto Winger!

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