And even if Prince Henry had a more legitimate claim because he was the King's lawful son bore by his wife, the Queen, people would always prefer Thomas to him, despite that.

He might have been twelve, but he already had the potential to be a true and respected leader to the people of England. He had learned many great things from his father and mother.

However, even besides that, he had a stronger claim than any around him. He was descended from King Edward III from both his mother and father. His father's grandfather was John of Gaunt and his mother's father was Edmund of Langley, the first Duke of York. He had a claim stronger than anyone around him.

England needed a strong king after the death of the greatest king they had had in centuries. He kept England together, winning them France and security in the realm. With him gone, England was in shambles.

As the prayers came to a stop, Thomas raised his head and made the sign of the cross with his fingers. Now that his father was dead, it meant his younger half brother, who was only nine months old, would become King.

Thomas would, of course, remain at court. He'd be given the Dukedom of Bedford and have more lands gifted to him than anyone his age had ever been given before. It had been his father's dying wish and his father's men loved Henry enough to make sure it came true, even if it wasn't wise to give such a young boy so much power. However, they knew if he was anything like his father, the power would never corrupt him. He would use it to make England better.

And that he would.

Thomas stood up alongside his stepmother. He turned, watching as the Dowager Queen took her son from his nursemaid's arms and held him.

She smiled sadly, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead before walking away.

Thomas remained in place, watching each of the lords and ladies that had been standing in the chapel made their departure.

After they were all gone, Thomas took a deep breath and turned to face his father's corpse once more. "I hope you are in heaven, reunited with my lady mother," He spoke up in a calm tone, a solemn look on his face as he placed his hand on his father's, "You may be gone, Father, but you will never be forgotten. Not by me, not by anyone in England. And when I grow older and have children of my own, I shall tell them tales of your victories and triumphs. They will be proud to have such a great king and respectable man as their grandfather."

"My lord," A voice suddenly called out, causing Thomas to turn to see his father's brother, Humphrey, the Duke of Gloucester, standing before him.

Thomas frowned, noticing how his uncle carried three familiar swords in its sheaths. "For what reason do you carry my mother and uncles' swords with you, Uncle?" He asked and his uncle smiled as he held them out to Thomas.

"They are yours, Thomas. When your mother's brother, the Earl of Cambridge died, he left it in his will that his swords would be given to you, the Duke of Bedford. Your mother stated the same. They believe the swords should rightfully go to the sons and heirs of the Dukes of Bedford, starting with you," Humphrey explained in a calm tone.

"The three children of York," Thomas spoke in a soft tone as he took ahold the two swords in their sheaths, "But I am not a York."

"Aye, you are of Lancastrian descent by your father, but York blood runs through your veins as well by your mother," Humphrey explained to the boy, smiling as he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, "But allow me to give you a few words of advice, nephew. In the coming years, you will not be a young man of the House of York. You will be a Lancastrian. Who your mother is descended from is to be of no consequence to you unless it gives you a claim to a throne you want to sit your backside on. You are a bastard. You will never be King, which means who you are descended from by your mother should mean nothing to you or anyone else. With the loss of our beloved King Henry, your father, England will be in turmoil. Some will not want to follow a young and inexperienced king like your brother as you grow older. I will be made Protector of the Realm and your guardian. A day will come where I will die and you shall be there to advise your half brother and ensure that England doesn't fall to ruins by warring sides. Can you do that?"

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