Unwanted Pain part 4 | 1

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Chapter 4

Summary: Igneel dies, Natsu goes into depression. There is a spell to bring him back, but at a sacrifice, will Igneel come back, or stay dead?

Disclaimer:I do not OWN any of the characters! Hiro Mashima owns ALL of Fairy Tail!

Lucy's POV:

It's the next day, and I already have my plan. I just have to get it right. I never ever had the intention of killing myself, never. But, I have to do it to bring Natsu back. He isn't the same, and I can tell he never will be if I don't step in. My only issue is, how can I do this, and know it's the right thing? But everytime I question it, I just hear the words he said yesterday.

"Go away Lucy." "Lucy, leave!" "I don't want to see you here! You would never understand!" "I don't need friends and I don't need you! Just let me be!" It all just keeps repeating in my head. All of it. He wanted me to leave. He didn't want me there. I would never understand, as if I have never lost a parent. He didn't need any friends. He didn't need ME.

That's when my idea came to me, to bring him Igneel back. You might be wondering, "how?" well, it's simple. It all goes back to the "Revive" spell. Remember, the fatal one that I saw? (A/N: Back in chapter 2!) I never did find a way to get rid of it. I planned on keeping the book hidden. But, I can just make clear that only Levy should receive the book. She will know to keep it hidden the moment she see's fatal in that book.

I bet by now my intentions are clear. I will use the "Revive" spell to bring back Igneel at the price of my life. Now, some might call me stupid. I call it in love. Wouldn't we all do stupid things for the one we love? Well, at least I will. Even if that means dying. He needs Igneel to live, and he WILL live.

During Lucy's Moment

Natsu's POV:

Ah, a "wonderful" new day. I sighed as I thought of what's been going on the past few months. I was too rough on Lucy yesterday. I said hurtful words and a lot more. I should go say sorry, but that means coming out of my safe place. But I did say some pretty mean words. Plus, she made some great food.

I sat down and thought of what's been going on the past months. Igneel, my father, was found dead. I looked over to a picture of him and me when I was younger. The father who took care of me. The BEST dragon. What would he think of me now? Hurting my friends over this? He would be mad, I know he would.

That's it! I will go over and say sorry to Luce at...some point...um, today! I got up and went over to the couch where Happy was sleeping. "Sorry I haven't been there for you recently buddy. But I am back, and I will be here for you now!" I whispered as quietly as I could.

I will never forget Igneel. I never could and never will. Not after everything we have been through. However I will get better, I won't sulk, I will go spend time with my friends. I will heal with them there to help me. I looked back at the picture and gave the best smile I could. 'I will do better for you, dad.'

Later that afternoon

Lucy's POV:

I huffed as I finally came to a stop at Igneel's grave. I had to run all the way here. Now, all I have to do is say the curse, right?

(A/N: Ah, hello! Thanks for sticking with this story for so long! I know it's been awhile since the last update! But I have to rewrite this entire chapter, as the computer I had it written on was at my house and is now fried. RIP computer. So, the original chapter 4 is not anything like I was hoping for. I am really depressed and I am splitting chapter 4 into 2 chapters. We will have the 2nd part out later as it's the big part and I want to spend more time on it. I'm sorry for the wait! Plus, I am starting to upload stories on Wattpad, same as on here. And, I am in the process of making a webtoon! Again, sorry!)

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