Day 1 : What a Beautiful Day

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In the middle of a city filled with tall buildings and cars that are often full on the streets in the morning. There were two women living in the same house in the middle of the city. There're nothing special about them but from now the story will begin

On a beautiful morning,this woman just woke up from her deep sleep. She went to open the window and the only things she smell was bird's shit

"These idiot bird really want to die"

She closed the window and went straight to the kitchen to drink, she felt exhausted and thirsty even though she just woke up from sleep. Then she streched in front of the television while try to find something nice to watch maybe like a cooking show

"Today I can rest as much as I can after working for a week without rest"  she has taken leave for two days and she plan to spend her day in this house

"Let's start my day with a cup of coffee" She wants to make a coffee but her eyes looked at the wall clock "WHAT?! IT'S ALREADY 12 PM" no wonder when she opened the window, she felt the sun was so hot even though she's know she is more hot than the sun

Someone unlocked the main door and went inside

"Hi Soojin!" she greets her friend who had been a housemate for a year and a half "I want to sleep. Don't disturb me, Yuqi" She said without looking at her housemate and went straight into her rooms with a tired face

Seo Soojin and Song Yuqi. They meet accidentally at an agency when looking for a home. at that time yuqi and soojin got an offer for the same house because there was a problem when the agency managed it. At first, soojin didn't want to share because she didn't like to living in the same house with a strangers. Yuqi at that time she had just come to korea and her korea languange still weak

Soojin heard one of their staff trying to deceive Yuqi who at that time did not understand anything about the conditions given when wanting to rent a house. they want to put a high price if Yuqi agrees to rent in another house that they have suggested. Soojin feels sorry for Yuqi and she has helped Yuqi from being lied, they both have agreed to stay together

"Let's eat something before you sleep!" Yuqi knocking Soojin's door room but she don't hear any respond and the room was already dark, sure Soojin had closed all the windows with curtains. She didn't like her bedtime being disturbed and didn't like the light when she's sleeping

Seo Soojin is a dance teacher in one of biggest company in korean, CUBE ENTERTAINMENT. She has been working there for 5 years and She is also the youngest teacher there who was successful when She was 25 years old. She is also a lucky person to be able to work there

Song Yuqi, yuqi is just a teenager who wants to find experience in a new place. She only works as a shop assistant in a cafe not far from her home

"Okay, I gonna eat all the food" Yuqi said


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