"Familiar Grounds"

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(There is nothing but endless darkness.)

(Then in the background, the sounds of a rushing waterfall, wind blowing, and of birds chirping echos in the endless darkness.)


(Koneko starts to open her eyes slowly. For a few seconds the world is blurry)

(The blur clears. The first thing that clears up is a small lake covered in a soft fog)

(Koneko crawls to the waterfall and looks onto the calm water. She only sees but herself dressed in a plain, yet beautiful olive green kimono. Confusion fills konekos face)

"W-Where am i? Am i dead?!"

(Zoom out of koneko's POV to reveal a landscape of foggy mountains, rushing waterfalls that fall into dense endless fog, and trees that are tall and mighty, yet dead in appearance.)

(The world is gloomy colors, no more brighter than a dying lightbulb. And in the horizon is a dark, orange sun that never will set, leaving the world in a permanent sunset)

(Cut back to koneko.)

(Koneko starts to look at the world around her, the look of confusion dissapears off of her face. And in its place, the face of astonishment.)

(Koneko then spots what appears to be a old-styled town perching on the mountainside in the distance. Koneko stares at it for a few seconds, dumbfounded at what she is seeing.)

(Koneko falls to her knees, then staring into the distance)

"...Is this..the afterlife?"

(For a moment, koneko is alone)

(Then, a familiar voice starts speaking to koneko)

"Its beautiful, nya. Right Koneko-Chan?"

(Cut of koneko sleeping while leaning on against the wall of the airplane.)

(Koneko then wakes up, she starts to look around her wildly)


(However, nobody was around her.)

(Koneko calms herself down and sighs.)

(Play Intro)

(Fade in back to koneko looking out the window, bored out of her mind.)

(Koneko thinks to herself)

"..How long have i been on this plane for?"

(Koneko pulls out a flip-phone)

"Only 4 hours? By the time i get there ill go insane!"

(Koneko turns to her backpack; her laptop is poking out slightly)

"I might as well pass the time by listening to some music"

(Koneko pulls out the laptop and places it on her lap)

(She turns it on and it goes to her desktop that's all tidy with a wallpaper of a cute cat)

"Oh yeah, no internet around here..."

(Koneko then hovers her cursor on a video labeled "COLLEGE BIRTHDAY")

"Oh why not? I haven't seen it in years"

(Koneko clicks on it; It starts playing a rather badly edited slideshow of raku-chan in her college birthday birthday.)

(The slideshow ends with a video of raku-chan blowing out the candles in a small birthday cake.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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