Start from the beginning

Anyways, after his death, his named was cleared with Harry's statement to the Ministry. We hoped it brought some peace to him with him now gone. The great hall gradually filled with students of all years and the Sorting started. Unlike in the past, we all clapped respectfully to the first years who were sorted into their houses (even to Slytherins). After the Sorting, McGonagall gave her speech and the feast began.

During the feast, the great hall doors slammed open as some Minister of Magic, Shacklebolt with few aurors entered the great hall. McGonagall stood up in shock, even from a distance, you could see her lips turning white from pursing them and steam coming out from her nose as she huffed from frustration. She composed herself, calling all the houses Head and turn her way to the back door, the Ministry people following her. The door was slammed closed and silence filled the hall. No one even dared, not even the remaining teachers to utter a small whisper.

Ron leaned close to us, "What was that about?" Harry responded with a groan and rubbed his hands on his face before running them up to his already messy mop on top of his head he called hair. "Bloody hell, I hope they're not bringing another Umbridge because I'm goddamn sure not making an illegal organization again."

I sniggered and Hermione slapped his shoulder for the bad use of language. Shaking my head I said, "It's impossible, we already have a new DADA teacher and it's not cursed anymore. Surely this year's DADA will last for 2 to 3 years or so," Harry hummed and continued playing with his steak. The great hall was silent until a loud shriek was heard from the back door where McGonagall disappeared with the Ministry and Heads. We heard loud voices of McGonagall,

"NO! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT IT! I will NOT let you get MY students involved! Not when I'm still Headmistress of Hogwarts!"

The strong voice of Shacklebolt responded, "But Minerva, we really need this for the Wizarding World-"

"This? We don't need this! Irrelevant, I say. Those students have been through a lot! H-how dare you demand such a thing-!"

It was silent again for a few moments, the food on the table already disappeared minutes ago, before the back door slammed opened with a red faced McGonagall, it was obvious to say that she was fuming. Professor Sprout was also red faced with tears rolling down her cheeks, the two other Heads looked sullen while the rest of the Ministry is blank. McGonagall stood onto the podium, her hands tightly gripping the laces of her sleeves. She addressed the whole great hall, "Students," she paused, breathing deeply to her nose then gently letting them out from her mouth. "I want all first to fifth year students to go back to back to their common rooms. I now call on to the fifth years to lead your younger years to your respective common rooms as the six and seven year prefects and head boy and girl are going to have to stay."

Confusion washed over the mentioned prefects, head boy and girl as they returned to their seats, the said fifth students were leading the younger years out of the great hall back to the common rooms. When the large doors of the great hall closed shut, McGonagall removed herself from the podium, she looked at the Minister with obvious distaste, sassily gesturing to the podium. Shacklebolt placed himself to the podium, he cleared his throat, his voice strong and firm. I frowned, "What do you think are they doing? Why want us stay?" I asked, worry flashed over Hermione as she answered, "I don't know."

"Due to the Second Wizarding War last 2 years ago, many wizards and witches were lost. Ministry workers, aurors, and others had died," Shacklebolt started, noticing the light atmosphere from the feast turned dark. I gulp as I remembered the the dead bodies I saw in these very hallways of this castle." The population of the Wizarding world has drastically decreased," The Minister continued. "Therefore we, the Ministry, had come to make a law," McGonagall tensed. "To make sure that our kind will continue to grow and continue to exist. We all agreed to make a marriage law."


I look towards Hermione with the look of utter disbelief, the boys having the same look as me. The rest was silent with various of different expressions painting their faces."They're nuts. The ministry has completely gone bonkers." I muttered to myself, Hermoine heard and seemed to agree. "This marriage law is to all who's ages are between 18-28 and aren't engaged or married. Therefore this also applies to you, six and seven year students of Hogwarts." he finishes. The speech he made caused an uproar among the students almost all negative comments was thrown. Some remained blank and I was one of them.


"That's really unfair!"

"What's the Ministry thinking? Oh wait, because they're not!"

Shacklebolt's firm voice interrupted, "Before you all argue with the Ministry's decision, you're not the only one who's dealing with this new law. Everywhere around the Wizarding world has to comply with this law, you were not the only one who has lost many of its people. The Wizarding world is at its peak of dissappearing. So we, the Ministry had no choice but to comply." this comment seemed to have no help of the situation as the students just became angrier.

"We don't care!"



The whole great hall turned to the Headmistress as she furiously wipe her cheeks. She continued, "I did not teach all of you to have such brash attitudes! You may not like the law, I also share the same opinions as you, but we don't have much of a choice!" it was silent after that. Professor McGonagall frowned, "Now please, students, let them talk."

A small woman with a white coat stood up beside the Minister, she had short black hair with square rimmed glasses. "The process of this law is to have the sorting hat on your head, and wait for it to chose your partner." she paused, "The way we're going to do this is by calling the girls by their last names in alphabetical order. Now, we don't expect that all girls and boys in this room will have partners, some may have already graduated or probably a few years older than you." I shivered at the thought of having an old man as my spouse."The Sorting hat is being taken cared of. The Sorting will begin shortly and will meet your future partners."


I only have a few words to say.

Some slytherins are misunderstood.

I'll make a whole speech about it next chapter. Hope you enjoyed this one!

Please someone correct me with Shacklebolt's name I think I got it wrong.

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