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"My dad gave me enough for all three of us," Daifuku added. At the mention of the missing purple haired boy, (D/n) quickly ran back into the kitchen, rushing to grab another piece of toast for the teen. After putting it into a zip-lock bag and handing it to his daughter, the parents were ready to send the young teens off.

Giving separate hugs to the kids, the adults waved at them while watching them walk away.

"Have fun at school you two! Tell Shinso we said hi!"

"Stay safe! Ring if you need anything! Love you!"

(Y/n) turned around—walking backwards—to give her parents an energetic wave with her usual bright smile. "Bye~! Love you too!" She bid, stumbling on a rock as she turned around. Luckily, the medium managed to catch herself from falling at the cost of her own embarrassment. Hito and Shin snickered unashamedly at (Y/n) and Daifuku let out a small huff of amusement. "I saw that coming," The dark haired male joked, some of his eyes flickering to the females direction. "Sh-shut up!" (Y/n) retorted, taking a large bite from her toast. The twin's laughter grew louder at the pun before they quieted down. A sudden gleam of realization sparkled in Hito's blue eyes as he and his brother flew infront of the medium—who jumped backwards at their sudden closeness.

"Hey, hey! (Y/n), you said that we're meeting up with that Shinso guy on the way right?" The white haired ghost asked, receiving a nod from said girl. "Yeah, why?" (Y/n) didn't receive a direct response to her question, but instead another question from the ghost's red-eyed counter part—who'd caught onto his brother's drift.

"And your other friend—that Izuru guy—is going to the same school right?" Once again, (Y/n) nodded, correcting the child's mistake. "You mean Izuku? Yeah he's going too." The teen wondered what the siblings were getting onto. She watched bright grins make their way to the duo's faces before they whooped with joy, flying around her, Daifuku, and Sachiko. "Yay! New friends!" They cheered simultaneously, which made (Y/n) perk up as a sudden awareness struck her.

Putting a hand to her chin, the teen snapped with her other hand. "Oh yeah! You guys haven't really met them yet have you?" She asked, getting nods of confirmation from the twins. "Not that Izuku guy at least. We've seen Shinso around here and there," Shin stated. Hito pouted at the female as he parted his lips to speak. "It's not fair (N/n)! You never introduce us to your friends!" He whined. "Yeah~ All they know is Nanashi this! Nanashi that! I bet your friend over there doesn't even know we exist!" Shin joined in, motioning to a clueless Daifuku. A look of shock came over (Y/n) before she rapidly nodded her head.

"Yeah he does! Hey Dai," Catching the male's full attention, Daifuku hummed by (Y/n)'s side, signalling that he was listening. "I've told you about Hito and Shin, right?" The girl asked. Though he couldn't properly express it, Daifuku was deep in thought, wracking his mind for faces to match the names. A long silence was held between the two before he answered. "Who?"

(Y/n) then flinched at the loud whines coming from the ghost siblings—who were promptly hushed by Sachiko. "See!" Shin exclaimed, his voice overlapping with Hito's as the two spoke in sync. "We told you!" Letting an awkward giggle slip past her lips, the (h/c) haired medium rubbed the back of her neck. "Oops.."

While Daifuku had no idea what was going on, he had a hunch it had to do with his friend's quirk. Watching her talk to air was not an uncommon occurrence for anyone who'd known (Y/n) long enough, and he'd grown quite used to it. Odd things always seemed to happen to the girl anyways—the sudden appearance of a certain pair of guardians was enough proof of that. However, of all the times (Y/n) was up to her usual antics, Daifuku had never been roped into them. Up until this moment, that is.

I See Dead PeopleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang