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It was their first day back at school.
They were all sophomores now!
A - ugh back in hell
J - right! I hate it here
Jay - hey who's that?
* tall , dark brown hair , brown eyed kid walks in *
J - must be the new kid!
Jay - oh
* annie just stares at him for a good 2 minutes when she says " wow " quietly under her breath *
Jay - earth to Annie? Helloo!
A - oh! yeah , uhm sorry..
J - well looks like annie has a crush on the new kid ..!
A - shut up. Let's go to class
T - annie leblanc
A - yes sir?
T - so we have a new kid! There he is!! Louis
T - Louis come here !
L - oh hi
T - meet annie , she will be giving you your tour today & showing you to your classes since well you guys have all periods together!
A - I will? oh okay..
L - * laughs a bit * well hi.. im louis :)
A - hi , im annie.
T - very well , why don't you two get to your first class?
A - okay bye sir!
L - bye !
A - hey, I'll be back! Stay here let me just go let my friends know :)
L - okay..
* annie walks over to them & tells them she'll catch up with them later *
A - okay im back sorry..
L - it's fine.
A - so ? where you from?
L - well im from London.. but I moved here to LA to just start over..
A - start over ?
L - yeah.. my dad got a new job over here & it pays well so why not?
A - oh okay .. well let's go we don't wanna be late!
L - yeah

T - take your seats! Ohh are you Louis?
L - uhm yeah.
T - why don't you sit next to annie?
L - alright.

A - and we meet again!
L - yeah haha
T - okay class , today we are going to be trying to form a volcanic eruption! So get out from your seats & stand up :) get your gloves , mask & lab coats from over here in my closet!
L - I'll go get them :)
A - oh no you don't ha-
L - ofc I do.
* as he goes around annie , he grabs her waist to move her over so he can get thru as he does that annie gets butterflies all in her stomach.. *
Jay- annie, I saw that!! EEEE OMG
J - he likes you!!
A - we just met of course he doesn't haha
Jay - well don't you think he's cute?
A - well yeah! ofc he's cute I mean look at him..
* little did she know Louis was right behind her when she had her head turned to talk to jayden.. and he heard it all :) *
A - oh Louis-
L - hi
A - uh you heard that ?
L - no no not at all.. only the part where you said I was cute :)
A - stopppp im embarrassed now!!

- lunch
Jay- hey invite your boyfriend over to sit with us :)
A - he's not my boyfriend. But okay!
J - yesss! let's go I can finally have a BOY BESTFRIEND
A - oh shut up , yk you love us :)
J - obviously but it's nice to have a guy friend :b
A - yes 😃

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