Our face just a few inches

"Elsa, cupped his cheeks using both of your hands" flynn commanded

She did as he told

"Be romantic guys! Act like a couple" flynn said

"Rest your forehead to each other" nino said

Elsa looked at me as I stare at her eyes. I leaned closer, until our forehead met

I could feel her fresh mint breath tickling my skin

I could feel people whispering about us and the most annoying friends in the universe feel satisfied

Snap snap

"Done!" he yelled

She quickly pulled away her hands as she murmured "sorry"

I quickly pull away my hands and walked back to my office awkwardly


"You get it?" I asked

"Oh yeah I'm so going to them, just like right now" nino said

"Go and tell them who's idea is this" I said

"Of course ours duh" he replied

"Go and deliver the news" I said

"Yeah, keep training her" he said then left

"Ok elsa! Pose a gentle and elegant pose" I commanded

So our training continued just like that


"Wanna excellent news?" I asked the girls

"What is it?" punzie asked excitedly

"See" I pulled out my phone and show them the picture about jack and elsa

"Oh my god! You just asked them to pose like that?!?" alya asked as her eyes widen

"Yeah, flynn and I" I replied

"Did you see how romantic they are? Did you see that?" punzie said excitedly

"Oh my god oh my god!" alya squealed then jumped up and down

"You boys done a really great job" punzie fangirling

"I love you" alya said and pecked my lips

I giggled "love you too"

"Go now! I don't want to be third wheel" punzie said

I just chuckled then get out from the mirror room and head back the photoshoot place



"What are you doing?" I asked as I get in the room

"Designing duh" she simply replied

"Puurrincess" I said then sit on her table looking at her designing

"What?" she asked

"Wait did you just-" I cut her off

"Yeah I just called you purinces" I said

"Mari ok? Mari" she said in a serious tone

"Wow, this is the first time you're arguing with me" I said amazed

She stopped designing then looked at me

"So?" she said

"And you are NOT stuttering" I said emphesized the word 'not'

"Well I get rid of it" she said

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah" she said and turn to her sketch book then started to design

After few minutes of silent

"What are you gonna name them?" I asked broke the silence

"Name who?" she stopped designing and look at me

"When someday you get married and have a kids" I get up from her table

"How about you?" she asked as she get up from her chair facing me

"I'm gonna name her Crystal" I said

"No way, that's a really bad name" she complained

"I will never let you name our kids with that" she added

Wait did she just said our kids?!?

"I'm gonna name them Karen or Quinn or Angel. There's no way I'm gonna name her Crystal" she said

"Whose kids?" I asked

"Of course it's ours!" she exclaimed


I closed my mouth using my hands

Did I just say that?

Did I just freaking said our kids?

Wow marinette just wow

"Our kids?" he asked

"Nope, just forget everything I said" I sat back down and began to design

"No, I hear it clearly you say it's our kids like two times" he said

Ok I'm dead, I'm sooo dead

I kept on designing, but I could feel I'm blushing more red than tomato

"I-it ju-just slipped of my m-mouth" I  stuttering

"Ok?" he said disbelief

"Yeah" I said

"Ok then, I left you with your design" he said then left

I looked at the door then sighed

When will I be able to get a chance to confess him that...

I love him



I opened the apartment door and I saw something I thought I wouldn't see again

"Anna!" I yelled as I walked to her

She walked towards me then hug me and I gladly hugged back

"I'm sorry elsa, I'm sorry for slapped you" she said between her sobs

I pulled away and wipe away her tears as I said "it's ok anna, as long as you're safe"

I gave her a warm smiled as she returned back

"He did something to you?" I asked

"No, he's a great guy, he's just like you overprotective" she said as I giggled

"Anna I made my choice" I said

"Yeah?" she said

"Tell him to come here for a dinner, I would like to chit chat" I said

"Really? Thank you elsa, you are the best sister in the world" she said then hugged me tightly

"Can't breath" I teased

"Sorry" she pulled away

I just giggled then grab an apple then leave to my room

I took a bite then mumbled to myself "you do the right thing elsa"


𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲'𝐚𝐥𝐥❤
𝐂𝐲𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭

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